Some mornings, on my way to my regular SoHo coffee and beer haunt, I pick up the New York Times - just for grins. Imagine my surprise when I saw the following above the fold on the the front page of this morning's NYT:
The GAO, nobody's fool, concluded that Bu$hCo had distributed "covert propaganda" in violation of a statutory ban. This involved the "No [Rich] Child Left Behind Act," ably promoted by Armstrong Williams. The GAO "declared:"
We see no use for such information except for partisan political purposes. Engaging in a purely political activity such as this is not a proper use of appropriated funds.
Also alarming is the fact that the GAO "could not confirm that Mr. Williams had performed all the activities for which he billed the government."
Now I don't know about you, but if Bu$hCo is going to pay right-wing hacks to "catapult the propaganda," I want full value for my tax dollar.
Ketchum, Inc. is the name of the PR company that the Dept. of Education told to pay Armstrong Williams. Here's the contact page for the D.C. office, presumably the offender. Here's a link with information on the Ketchum/Williams scandal.
You know what we have to do. We must convince Williams and Ketchum to return this money or deliver FULL VALUE. Write letters. Send email. Fax them. Get on Williams's message board. Demand that Williams return the money (or donate it to the DNC) or that he finish the work he contracted to do and pull the wool completely over your eyes. Let BushCo's catapult soar.
UPDATE: As the Daily Pepper points out, blatant propaganda is never good for you.