Bush Falsely Said He Didn't Know of Any Leakers
As Bu$hco's stock price tumbles, we can just imagine the petulant Dear Leader banging those little feet on the Oval Office floor and howling. Now we find that he had a similar tantrum directed at Rove for getting caught leaking. This tantrum came at a time when Bush had told the nation that he didn't know of "anybody" in his administration who "leaked classified information."
Senator Chuck "the Schume" Schumer (D-NY) has urged the Dear Leader "to come clean on what and when he knew about political guru Karl Rove's involvement in the outing of CIA spy Valerie Plame."
Can a Dear Leader Death Watch (all rights reserved) be far off?
[via Raw Story]
tags: karl rove valerie plame impeach bush george bush
Ha ha!!! "getting caught leaking"
Priceless. I think of Rove peeing his pants AND tattling on Plame all at once!
Oh, and thanks a lot, the title nearly made me spew my coffee.
Posted by: HelenWheels | October 20, 2005 at 09:10 AM
Considering the amount of trouble our previous Dear Leader got into for lying about where he put his dick, I can only imagine the amount of trouble waiting for a president who lies about RELEVANT stuff, like corruption.
Posted by: Sady O | October 20, 2005 at 09:14 AM
Helen, regarding your spewing, Blogenfreude refuses to replace another keyboard for you ...
Posted by: blogenfreude | October 20, 2005 at 09:17 AM
Doh! What a surprise--NOT! Sandy, too bad this guy has a thicker coat of Teflon than the original Telfon Don. I wish he'd take the fall for this one (and about a dozen other "things" he's managed to turn to shit) but I'm guessing, as has been true his entire life, he'll not have to take any responsibility for this one. Damn it!
For those of you that follow Stratfor, you saw a good (if long-winded) summary of how this blown cover of a NOC isn't really about the one person that's "outed." There are so many lives that are now at risk because the big boys wanted to up the ante in the game of politics. But hey, what's another couple of lives you have no connection to when you've already sentenced nearly 2,000 American soldiers to death for no good reason? It's a rounding error in this guy's world.
Posted by: Brian | October 20, 2005 at 09:51 AM