"Hand Over the Opthamologist or Hugo Chavez Gets It!"
Syria To Fill Vacant Axis-of-Evil Slot
An Agitprop Saber-Rattling Special: The Dear Leader's next Wag-the-Dog scheme appears to involve Syria. He and Bolton are pressuring the U.N. security council to authorize a jihad against reluctant president-for-life Bashar al-Assad. “A military (option) is always the last choice of a President,” Bush told al-Arabiya television in an interview aired on Tuesday when asked about a U.N. Investigation that implicated Syrian officials in [Lebanese prime minister] Hariri’s murder.
A military (option) is always the last choice of a President .... Oh really?
We should bomb Syria. That's where the WMD are.
Posted by: agi t. prop | October 25, 2005 at 02:57 PM
So THAT'S where Saddam hid them!
Posted by: blogenfreude | October 25, 2005 at 03:08 PM
bush: last choice. bwahahaha! good one
Posted by: jen | October 25, 2005 at 06:03 PM
So what is the Chavez connection? Besides being another guy pissing the US gov. off.....
Posted by: denisdekat | October 26, 2005 at 07:02 AM
Other than the connection being complete satire, this way, Bush would get a twofer - Assad would disobey, and they could take 'em both out. Both countries have oil, so why not! Then gas would only be $2.59 a gallon instead of $2.69.
Posted by: blogenfreude | October 26, 2005 at 07:10 AM