Or Transparent Attempt to Show Off New "Maldusa" Graphic?
As first reported here earlier, the Dear Leader has begun to use FEMA-style hiring practices at the nation's high court. We must now report, sadly, that the hard right is off message. Do they support the Miers nomination? Oppose it?
In a website post, criminally insane Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin actually uses the words "Bush cronyism" in a sentence! She links to a WSJ piece lamenting same. She reprints letters to President Bush and other reactions from disappointed fascisti, including one poor slob who misspelled "whiff."The right unravels. Bwa ha ha ha ha!
I thank Agi T. Prop for bringing Maldusa to life.
UPDATE: The Heretik weighs in - right in disarray ... Bush lame duck cooked! Alternet smells desperation!NOTE: This was first posted on October 5th, but it's worth repeating ... the right is eating its own. To me, Bush's loss of Malkin was the tipping point.
You are proud of your Maldusa graphic, aren't you? Well, it is pretty brilliant and hilarious.
I have my fingers crossed that shrub & co. are finally gonna go swirlin' down the loo.
Bwa ha ha indeed.
Posted by: HelenWheels | October 10, 2005 at 08:59 AM
Not that I'm not happy that the right is devouring Bush,
but I think it's really, really lame that we couldn't take him down.
Posted by: marie antoinette | October 10, 2005 at 05:10 PM
At this point M.A., I don't care who takes him down. Kerry should have stood and fought, but, well ...
Posted by: Blogenfreude | October 11, 2005 at 06:59 AM