Also Fails to Explain 18 Page Gap in Newly-Discovered Notebook
We at Agitprop are pleased to inaugurate our Rove & Scooter Death Watch (patent pending). Will Rove go first? Scooter? Could DeLay be first? Could dark-horse Bill Frist (God's Diagnostician) come from behind? The mind boggles.
These Watches are needed, of course, due to the grand jury testimony of Judith Miller. Miller can't "recall" who gave her Plame's name (inscribed carefully in her notebook as "Valerie Flame"). In her own NYT piece published today, Miller nearly bent double protecting poor Scooter.
Not to be obvious, but might Judy be a Bush tool? Perhaps even on the payroll à la Armstrong Williams? Once again, the mind boggles.
Grumpy Old Man delicately suggests that Rove and Scooter might turn on Judy.
So, Judy not only banged Ahmed Chalabi to get false information about Iraq WMD but she also porked Scooter Libby for the name of a covert CIA agent?! And what the hell kind of name is Scooter?
Posted by: Agi T. Prop | October 16, 2005 at 09:06 AM
Scooter is a "cute" kid's nickname, they all seem to have those in this administration (ironically, belying what monsters they are). If they don't already have one, dumbya assigns them one, like Putin's "Pootie" (No, I am not making that one up, sadly enough).
Judy Miller has done anything and everything to further her career at the expense of this country's security and the NY Times' reputation. Let's just hope she gets hers. Unfortunately (or maybe not, considering their corruption), because the NY Times keeps backing her, they may end up down the tubes as well.
Posted by: HelenWheels | October 16, 2005 at 09:14 AM
Sure hope you get that patent...soon. I am still having problems with the TB.
Posted by: Night Bird | October 16, 2005 at 10:07 AM
I guess "Scooter" is better than "Turd Blossom"....
So Judy can't remember who gave her the name. Because someone gives her the name of an undercover CIA agent -- what? maybe once a week or so? Get real!
Posted by: Kathy | October 16, 2005 at 10:35 AM
Blogenfreude, thanks for visiting my blog and telling me about your patent-pending parties. I want to join in, so if you get the patent, tell me where to send the royalties. This is a party I would pay good money for! I do have a question. I am rushing out tomorrow for a couple of bottles of Tattinger. I want to get another bottle and mark it "DeLay" but what is in the bottle? Please be specific so I can follow the patent. This must be honorable every step of the way. Describe the bottle and the type of marker I need to write with. Thanks, Karena
Posted by: karena | October 16, 2005 at 11:30 AM
Not to sound all Niles and Frazerish, but my poison of choice in the champagne department is Taittinger Demi-Sec. I used a Sharpie (black, fine point) to make the bottle with the word "DeLay."
I will probably get two bottles of Taittinger Brut for the Rove & Scooter show. If all three are indicted on the same day, don't expect any posts for at least 24 hours.
Posted by: Blogenfreude | October 16, 2005 at 11:41 AM
I’m getting a vision; I see the ghost of Nixon. He’s hovering over a paper shredder. I think he’s trying to communicate! He’s saying something, faintly, “You won’t have old Turd Blossom to kick around for much longer.”
Posted by: Fred | October 16, 2005 at 03:59 PM
Stand in front of the mirror and say this in your best Nixon voice:
My wife, Pat, has a good Republican cloth coat. And we're going to keep Checkers I don't care what they say! And you won't have Scooter to kick around anymore. You won't have Dick Cheney to kick around anymore.
I am thy father's spirit,
Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night,
And for the day confined to fast in fires,
Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature
Are burnt and purged away ...
To ears of flesh and blood. List, list, O, list!
If thou didst ever thy dear father love ...
Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder ...
Murder most foul, as in the best it is;
But this most foul, strange and unnatural.
Posted by: Blogenfreude | October 17, 2005 at 08:09 AM