Pledged Support for Constitutional Amendment Banning Abortion
Might Even Think There's No Right to Contraception
Confirming her status as a true Wingnut, Harriet Miers pledged to back a 'Human Life Amendment' to the U.S. Constitution [that criminalized abortions], oppose the use of public money for abortions, and ... participate in 'pro-life rallies and special events.'" The NPR piece does not say whether these "special events" include clinic bombings.
Recall that this is the same Harriet Miers that told Schumer she'd never discussed Roe v. Wade with anybody - well, we suppose that, down in Texas, a filled-in survey don't count the same as talkin' to nobody.
Even more amazingly, Miers stated in a Senate questionnaire that when asked "whether she wanted to be included in the list of potential candidates when Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her resignation in July. 'I indicated at that time that I did not want to be considered.'"
So Miers wants to overturn Roe but doesn't want to sit on the Court to do it.
The larger question is, of course, will Agitprop have to institute a "Miers Withdrawal Watch." The right wing continues to unravel. Praise Jeeebus.
In a related deveopment, the Dear Leader discusses intelligence failures in his blog.
tags: harriet miers supreme court