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October 22, 2005


This is disgusting. "I am proud to be white and want to stay that way?" These do-do birds think they have to fight to stay white? Do they think if they brush up against a person of color a few skin cells with non-white DNA will cling to them and change them into a mixed-race? I wonder how they will feel when they grow up and are hated for the rest of their lives?

Hey, are you off to France to stock up on that indictment Tattinger? Don't forget to pack your sharpie!

Man oh man is that sad. Those poor kids!! They are all so brainwashed. Pam's right: and they worry about the influence gay parents would have on their kids! I also find the irony beyond unbelievable.


Karena, love your questions. I'm sure the kids wouldn't care, until their parents told them to. It's so gross! Kids don't see problems with other people until their parents point it out, and jeeez have these parents made sure they point it out good.

So much hate for so little reason. April sounds like a nutjob whose pimping her kids for big bucks.

Maybe off to France to get hammered and stay there. I see something like this and get so agitated I can't speak.

Retroactive abortion anyone?

Some people should not be permitted to breed.

Their mother comes to mind!

thanks blogenfreude for pointing me toward this. (i think) i feel sick. i hate to tell you but you're not going to be free from hate based on race or ethnicity in France, mon ami.

But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce racist white nationalism, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every blond haired, blue-eyed baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.

France hates America. Bill O'Reilly told me so. Don't drink Bordeaux!

So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.

Wilhelm, where have you hidden Agi's brain?

One more thing: I'll bet Bennett has all their albums on his iPod ...

"i hate to tell you but you're not going to be free from hate based on race or ethnicity in France, mon ami."

Jen, maybe so, but at least it mostly gets me away from the red-state, white-supremacist Jeebus-based hate ... I prefer the garden variety.

There is only one town more revolting than Winnamucca Nev. and that's Bakerfield CA, where these Nazi abortions issue forth m

And please, tell me the smiley's aren't for real! It MUST be photoshopped!

1) the shirts are real; 2) I'm not that good with Photoshop.

Well..imagine my relief..er, in fact, no. But what was I thinking. Every day I think the borders of insanity have been trampled by the far-right, the right and their seeds, and time after time after time I've have to set news
levels in my pukeometer.

the girls' names are Lynx and Lamb. Not kidding. They're just white trash.

If we the whites are so superieur why do we produce so many idiots like these 2 specimens.

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