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October 26, 2005


Why can't these bluebloods just go back to drinking for a living instead of dabbling in politics?

AMEN to that. Just get them a huge board game or a faux "war room" ala Dr. Strangelove, and let 'em go nuts. Just keep 'em medicated enough to think they are actually in control of the whole world... problem solved! Great idea, Fred!

Wheeeee! from KOS:

Update [2005-10-26 14:17:29 by Hunter]: Richard Sale now reports:

An hour ago I was contacted by a U.S. government official close to the Fitzgerald case. This person told me that there WILL be indictments announced later this afternoon, and the Special Prosecutor will hold a press conference tomorrow.

We'll see if the Dems have the balls to use the weapons the Repugs have left for them ... they have to finish them off. No half measures.

People need to look into this. http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2005/1529In%20peace

Okay I have been looking into this- I have found nothing new- it is 1am -very late Wed.nite- so I am confused you posted this Wed. afternoon- so you mean indictments Thurs? Press conference Thurs or Friday ?


Fred, your idea is stellar. Let them dabble in stock trades over martinis at lunch. Forget letting them run anything, they aren't capable.

By the way, Ann Coulter went on The Today Show this morning and predicted that Harriet would withdraw, and the timing would be so that it would distract from the indictments. Well, Ann, one down and more to go! I hope Ann is on a winning streak.

Okay I have been looking into this- I have found nothing new- it is 1am -very late Wed.nite- so I am confused you posted this Wed. afternoon- so you mean indictments Thurs? Press conference Thurs or Friday ?

Now they are saying indictments today (Thursday), or perhaps Friday. In light of the Miers nomination, Fitzgerald would be wise to hold off, but he doesn't care about such things. Agitprop predicts (yes, it's beginning to annoy me too) that we won't have names until next week at the earliest, because they will probably give the criminals time to drop by and be fingerprinted, photographed, and booked. Surrender, that is!

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