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December 06, 2005


I guess this guy could have shown a bit more restraint in his comments, but his attackers showed no class whatsoever. And I'll bet they think they're Christians, too.

Come on, if you are a Christian, no way is it right to beat someone else up because they have a different opinion than you do. Morally it is wrong.

I am amazed that so many people do not believe in evolution, even though the scientific evidence for it is everywhere!

Come on, if you are a Christian, no way is it right to beat someone else up because they have a different opinion than you do. Morally it is wrong.

I am amazed that so many people do not believe in evolution, even though the scientific evidence for it is everywhere!

Theocracy rules!

I am amazed that so many people do not believe in evolution, even though the scientific evidence for it is everywhere!

Really!? These two f*ck-sticks don't sound very evolved to me--more like the creation of a vengeful deity.

Jesus would approve of the beating. The Lord said that only Torture will set you free!

god told me to give you the beating of a lifetime

I don't think so.

Since there isn't intelligence, and without intelligence, "design" of anything isn't possible, we should without delay adopt and disseminate "anti-evolutionists" as a more exacting description of these freaks who mean to peddle their nonsense and ignorance as a wedge issue to git on into them-thar classrooms and preach Jesus, Jesus, jesus...if we use this euphemism, even in argument, we are with them helpin' with the peddlin'.

Well that's pretty cool. Any word if they were dressed in sabre tooth tiger furs and wielding cave man clubs?

Any word if they were dressed in sabre tooth tiger furs and wielding cave man clubs?
They probably would not so dress because, remember, we were created on the sixth day, and we look now just like we looked then. Neanderthals my ass!

Ain't that progress? They're only beatin' on perfessers, now, huh? Before they wuz stringin' up gays, wasn't they?

"Come on, if you are a Christian, no way is it right to beat someone else up because they have a different opinion than you do. Morally it is wrong."

lark, I was being extremely sarcastic. I'm continually amazed that anyone can think it's Christian to beat up someone (literally or figuratively) who disagrees with the right-wing party line.

Billy Joe and Billy Ray last seen at the Crime Scene wearing their W caps and best Nascar Wear....with the 'Jesus Loves a Sinner" bumper stickers peeling off their Pick Up....maybe they got a messege from God to Render what they thought was Justice..you know spreading freedom N'all....yet more proof of that there Intelligent design...I gotta get back to my White Trash Tuesday, ( Lucky Charms for dinner) and watch Earl...I can't put all my two brain cells on this at once...

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