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December 12, 2005


That's wierd, where did all these other posts come from...I may have blacked out there for a minute...

Wanted to congratulate YOU on YOUR win, you brilliant blogger you!!!

yum yum m

YAY! I never win anything. Well, OK, I won 2nd in the Tattered Coat's annual Katherine Harris Colorization contest (ahem). At least I think I was 2....

in any case, I'm pretty happy with 3rd, although I have to admit I was pretty impressed with my entry (ahem, ahem).

So, uh, say someone got approached by a large multi-national--very misunderstood--death merchant with a very lucrative offer to buy a certain flippant idea one had about, say...a new funny name for a donut...would that person owe anything to say...the guy who put on the original contest? I mean it's not me...it's my friend? Just asking.

So, uh, say someone got approached by a large multi-national--very misunderstood--death merchant with a very lucrative offer to buy a certain flippant idea one had about, say...a new funny name for a donut...would that person owe anything to say...the guy who put on the original contest?
As long as Cheney and Rumsfeld get their cuts, no one gets hurt.

Wanted to congratulate YOU on YOUR win, you brilliant blogger you!!!
Thank you Blue Gal ... Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up ...

I'm pretty happy with 3rd, although I have to admit I was pretty impressed with my entry (ahem, ahem)
The decision of the judges is final.

Thanks for the honorable mention...I am honored!

Do they win an all expense paid trip to Guantanamo?

Do they win an all expense paid trip to Guantanamo?
That prize is for the next contest ... best 3 word treasonous statement! But that's another post ...

Comandante, I visit prison that are closed ONLY. and p.s. my daughter thinks that Cairo is so, so, CUTE!!

Blogen: only 3 words??

Conspiracy to Torture

I am alone here!

No ... you are not alone. And the new post is up, and I permit 5 words! Go forth and commit treason! Bwa hahahahaha

Hey wait! When was the vote?

How did you ever choose?!

They're all brilliant!!!

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