Diebold and Ney!
Sitting in a Tree!
[via BradBlog] Bob Ney (R-OH, at least for now), involved with Abramoff (who is involved with DeLay, Bush, and countless others including Norquist and Ralph Reed), is now showed to be heavily involved with Diebold, which was involved in Bush's "victory" in Ohio and is now involved in some heavy-duty securities litigation (as a defendant).
Three words: UNIFIED SCANDAL THEORY ... we need one. Submissions anyone?
My crack staff and I like the UST idea, and are crunching the numbers. Thus far, we've come up with a few basic laws in support of our tentative theory...
1) Follow the money
2) White government guy = probably lying
3) Whatever wrong was done, Clinton probably did it first.
Like I said, we're still working on it.
Posted by: Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker | January 10, 2006 at 01:25 PM
4) must have a catchy name ending in "-gate" ...
Posted by: blogenfreude | January 10, 2006 at 01:43 PM
Die(? Ney, Bob the bush, jack, Abramoff before the Nor(in)quist(ion)led by Ralph's reed)bold Scandal
Posted by: J Macdonald | January 10, 2006 at 02:57 PM
5. A body in corruption tends to remain in corruption.
Posted by: Robot Buddha | January 10, 2006 at 04:14 PM
The Justice Dept. needs to get jiggy with it all. They can start by upping the temp staff and increasing the jury pool in blue D.C..
Posted by: Chuck | January 10, 2006 at 05:31 PM
Robot Buddha-
Don't forget, corruption can neither be created nor destroyed.
In other words, when one bastard dies, another springs up in his place.
Did anyone watch Schumer this fine evening?
Posted by: lily | January 10, 2006 at 06:31 PM
Since DBK isn't around to weight in, I'll say in his stead, "No wonder H.R. 550, the Voter Accountability Act continues to be held up in the f*cker's committee!" S'plains a lot.
Posted by: Kvatch | January 10, 2006 at 06:46 PM
I will take a hanging-chad over this anyday...As such the root cause is Katharine "Dumb as a Stump" Harris.
If that woman hadn't gotten in the way, do you realize how different things would be today?
Different is not always better, but I think anything is better than this reality.
I like #5.
How's about Orwell-gate?
Posted by: gary | January 10, 2006 at 09:59 PM
I still think all this has something to do with the Freedom Fries industry.
The Abramoff thing is starting to look like some bizarro Village People:
1. DeLay = Cowboy
2. Indians = Indians
3. Ney = Toupee-wearing douchebag
4. Abramoff = Jewish Boris Badenov
5. Reed = Preacher
6. Norquist = Wingnut Muppet
I just noticed if you remove Norquist, the first five spell "DINAR." Isn't that the Iraqi currency? Wait a minute, it all makes sense!!
Posted by: PusBoy | January 11, 2006 at 04:52 AM
I'm glad the MSM is all over this story, ya know giving it the coverage it deserves.
Posted by: Fred Bieling | January 11, 2006 at 07:06 AM
OK, I see my first submission didn't go over so well. I submit the following for consideration.
Operation to
Pusboy has a wonderful submission.
Posted by: J Macdonald | January 11, 2006 at 01:35 PM
I've seen some great reporting tying cunningham to Saudi Arabia
and now Diebold.
Let's vote for president this year instead of waiting till 08. Is there write in provision for president during the mid term election?
Posted by: PwapVt | January 11, 2006 at 07:19 PM
The evangelicals are mired in muck and not rapture ready.
Posted by: grannyinsanity | January 12, 2006 at 01:06 AM