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March 16, 2006


I'm none too happy seeing glaciers melting where they shouldn't be... esp.since I live on the coast!!

There's no global warming...God farted!

I'm none too happy seeing glaciers melting where they shouldn't be... esp.since I live on the coast!!

But look at the bright side, Helen...all that fresh water which the L.A. Basin so desperately needs.

No doubt, O'Reilly will call the icebergs "America Haters" on today's show.

I saw a documentary the other day called Artic Rush on Discovery. Countries are already lining up and counting down the years for when the North Pole is no longer.

They are building oil tankers that can handle the North West passage which they predict will be open year round in less than a decade.

Countries are also vying for mineral rights to oil and natural gas in the artic. Once the cap thaws they are doing to drill the shit out of it. They said there's $1.5 Trillion dollars worth of oil just on the artic shelf that the US has claimed.

Russia, the US, Canada, and Denmark have all claimed the artic shelf under the Law of the Sea treaty.

Now that's turning lemons into lemonaide...LOL

I have to look on the bright side: I've always wanted to live closer to the coast...

With the melting of the glaciers we can confirm that is one more place Hussein did not hide WMD. And you think global warming is a bad thing?

Have you been watching 60 Minutes again? Did you see the report on CNN and the energy crisis?

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