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May 09, 2006


Kick him to the curb. What a wanker.

He's *awfully* handy as a target. We should keep him around to kick whenever we've had a bad day, or even a good day. Thank the gods for people like him. They remind me why it's so good to have one's critical thinking and resoning skills intact.

I vote for kicking him!

How about a compromise kick him to the curb, then rehabilitate him so that we have a target. Everybody happy?

Jeez, I've been blogging for a year and never thought I'd ask my readers (both of them) for a handout. I guess this guy isn't one of those pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps-type conservative. Kick him to the curb, #@%*ing hypocrite.

Even though he banned my IP a week or two ago, I say send President Carter over to build him a house, that would be rubbing his compassionate conservative nose in it.

What a shameless tool!

Maybe HE COULD GET A FUCKING JOB. Just and idea--I'm sure Mrs. Goldstein would be glad for the extra income and to get him out of the house every once in while. He should check down at Hermeneutics Hut--I hear they're hiring.

Protein wisdom? What has he been swallowing? Oh, I knew I shouldn't have asked...

To your first question: move on with my life of course. With regards to the second, kick him to the curb. Allow him the opportunity to understand the meaning of the word sacrafice like those soldiers who find themselves homeless after serving the Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq. I have little doubt that in his absence another will rise to post "a steady stream of nonsense."

I find it most interesting that Goldstein, a pro-war capitalist(?) is more like a welfare queen seeking economic assistance from his readers. I suppose this is what Bush was referring to when he talked about the entrepreneurial spirit in America was strong.

Jeff Goldstein is a quitter.

He has been awarded a spot in the defeatist hall of fame.

Protein wisdom? What has he been swallowing? Oh, I knew I shouldn't have asked...


I think we should send the Army recruiters to his soon-to-be-vacated house. He's already expressed such unswerving support for war, war, war. He clearly drinks the KoolAid.

May he be forced to make the same decision so many other people in dire financial straits (and facing an uncertain future) had to make.

Or, put another way, let him put his protein where his mouth is.

Draw and quarter him...kicking isn't bad enough.

Strange: try going to the Protein Wisdom site. Everything kicks back to Tbogg.

Okay, after reading his obnoxious post, I say kick him. If his wife and kids are hurting, I might be willing to help them out.

I guess this guy isn't one of those pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps-type conservative. Kick him to the curb, #@%*ing hypocrite.

I love it!!! Hilarious. So well said, Lew.

And Robot you are right! Why doesn't he get a fucking job? What a tool!

Hey! This messed up my italics! I swear I put the html code in right! What gives?

What gives?
You missed the second little "i" - but I am a forgiving blogmaster.

Ya, Buddha, you've graduated to the second highest tier. First Jeff bans you based on your email, then reroutes your IP to TBOG, then you can't post at all. No room for trolls a Jeff's house. Of course he doesn't know what a troll if he'd seen some of the characters I've booted. I like to think his sudden move is some kind of instant Karma.

He's afraid of a well-placed criticism? I'm pretty sure we have a very accurate word for that in our (almost) all-male house. Lemme check with the husband (he's home early so he can start his birthday revelry).

*confers with richer half*

Okay, I'm back. The word: Pussy.

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