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May 26, 2006


Why, exactly, do we have a White House press corps?

The illusion of accountability?

Journalists' egos?


Someone had to fill those chairs and Central Casting wouldn't return their calls?

Why, exactly, do we have a White House press corps?

Because stenography can be fun!

I wonder what the reporter with the White House Press corpse who always asks about condoms has to say about your charges?

Why, exactly, do we have a White House press corps?

Because someone has to transcribe the President's edicts and disseminate them to the masses...

Why, exactly, do we have a White House press corps?

Because after Airplane! we must know what happened at Nacho Grande?


Tony Snow: I mean, the administration has been pretty clear there is no tolerance for corporate corruption. And furthermore, the Justice Department has been going aggressively after those who are involved in corporate corruption.

That is true. What they do tolerate is political corruption.

So Tony Snow has someone to cry to!

Why, exactly, do we have a White House press corps?

Someone's got to be there so Karl Rove can out CIA agents that disagree with Dear Leader.


Because "Presdential Fluffers" would never fly in the heartland.

Why are they sitting in a puppet show theater?

Oh my God! They've convicted Kenny!

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