A 500 pound bomb dropped from an F-16 took care of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq™. Good riddance. Of course, this so-called victory in the War on Terror™ shoves the Dear Leader's defeat in his War on Homos™ off the front page. So now he can play at being a War Preznit for a few days.
But did the raid really accomplish anything? Well, bombs are still killing people in Iraq. al-Qaeda would not even be in Iraq if the Dear Leader hadn't lied us into his war of choice - this strike is, in part, him cleaning up his own mess. Sure, oil went below seventy bucks on the news, but how long do you think that'll last? Another fat oil executive will doubtless be retiring soon, and they've got to get that pension somewhere.
And who's the next Zarqawi? ... ain't gonna' be too long before we hear from him, don't you think? Those terrorists are cloning themselves somewhere ...
We at Agitprop, posting just a few blocks from the big hole in the ground where the twin towers used to be, feel much safer (not).
UPDATE: Fawaz Gerges, interviewed on Brian Lehrer's show, says Zarqawi's succesor will be Abu Rahman al-Iraqi. That didn't take long. Others say Zarqawi was replaced months ago.
MORE: al-Zarqawi may have been exposed by those closest to him, indicating a power struggle. Does this mean we're making it easier for the new guys to strike us? Also, don't forget that the Dear Leader could have taken out al-Zarqawi about 700 murders ago.
tags: bush u.s. iraq impeach bush zarqawi al-qaeda jordan gays war on terror gay marriage ban marriage protection amendment
Our problem is we're not posting enough severed heads where we can win hearts and minds with them.
Posted by: Tata | June 08, 2006 at 07:06 AM
What ever happened to that Osama guy? Oh yeah, he's living off his CIA pension in a Pakistani palace.
Posted by: Comandante Agi | June 08, 2006 at 07:48 AM
I am glad he is dead. He was really a bad guy, as was Saddam. There will be others, they are jockeying for first place as we speak. I don't think there will be a significant turn down in violence, but I hope I am wrong about that.
Yes, now getting our old buddy Osama, that would be nice.
Posted by: larkohio | June 08, 2006 at 08:26 AM
What? You mean the link between Saddam and Al Qaeda has been killed?
Good heavens! Well, I guess our job there is done. No more terrorists, we can come home now and start opening up IHOPs in Baghdad...
Posted by: actor212 | June 08, 2006 at 11:27 AM
You just know they're going to milk this guy's death for all it's worth, which in their estimation is a handful of approval points at least, plus a shitload of face time for Snowjob and distraction from the mountain of pressing domestic issues like our national debt, the health care crisis, etc.
The good news: hurricane season means those approval ratings are sure to plummet yet further southward as the Slacker in Chief allows more cities to sink or swim on their own and millions more move over to the "Disgusted" column.
The bad news: hurricane season. Fuckity fuck fuck.
Posted by: litbrit | June 08, 2006 at 11:39 AM
"Good heavens! Well, I guess our job there is done. No more terrorists, we can come home now and start opening up IHOPs in Baghdad..."
Everyone knows that McDonalds come before IHOP. Geez.
Posted by: DivaJood | June 08, 2006 at 11:57 AM
Ratted out by own of his own guys. Is there no honor amoung thugs?
Posted by: Robot Buddha | June 08, 2006 at 12:29 PM
Great post, Blogen. That article about the shrub admin. didn't off him 700 deaths ago is pure gold. of course it's great the guy is dead but the christofascists will just claim it as THEIR victory.
I honestly think if Osama ever existed, he's been dead a long time by now. But yeah. Why couldn't shrubco find him? Did we even know the name Zarqawi in 2001? Or has this madministration managed to slide him into OBL's place so that when they killed him they could get their political points?
Yes. Tinfoil hat is securely hugging my ears today.
Posted by: HelenWheels | June 08, 2006 at 02:10 PM
We be all over this here, here and here.
Big deal. His death won't mean anything beyond good PR.
Posted by: spiiderweb | June 08, 2006 at 05:09 PM
What do you say we break out the Victory Gin right about now?
Posted by: El Comandante | June 08, 2006 at 06:36 PM
The real news is who in al Zarqawi's circle is going to be $25 million dollars richer. (The Iraqi Prime Minister announced that the money would be paid out.) And will that money be used to aid the insurgency within Iraq or al Qaeda in Somalia?
I have my own take on the story complete with a visual that I think compliments the story. Of course, it will probably go misunerestimated.
Posted by: M A F | June 09, 2006 at 12:23 AM