As you are doubtless aware, around 90% of Americans believe in a sky god. You know, that guy in the white robes that lives in the sky, watches over them, and cares about them?
Unfortunately, the evidence regarding this god thing is piling up, and it ain't good:
On Monday, a man shouting that God would keep him safe was mauled to death by a lioness in the Kiev zoo after he crept into the animal's enclosure.
Last week, a woman was struck by lightning while praying.
And, despite predictions of riots, vandalism, and the end of the earth, absolutely nothing of consequence happened on 6/06/06 ... unless you count the party in Hell.
Maybe they should try this ...
tags: impeach bush conservative christianity god religion bible
Well, wouldn't we be red-faced if this morning we were making like Esther Williams in the lake of fire, hmm?
Posted by: Tata | June 07, 2006 at 07:07 AM
How dare you blaspheme the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Posted by: Comandante Agi | June 07, 2006 at 09:28 AM
Does this have something to do with those "Air Bud" movies?
Wait, did you say "sky god" or "sky dog?" I always confuse that stuff.
Posted by: Tony | June 07, 2006 at 01:06 PM
Well I think we know that god really does exist. He's busy smiting Blogger right now. To many 6.6.06 stories.
Posted by: Kvatch | June 07, 2006 at 01:54 PM
Yeah, blogger is getting the hell smited out of it today. I too was depressed today when I awoke to discover that Ann Coutler was still walking the earth. Prime proof that no Rapture had not happened. However my comments section on MM may have been raptured because it has been AWQL most of the day.
Posted by: pissed off patricia | June 07, 2006 at 02:20 PM
Oh Blogger! Why has thou forsaken us?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
I'll be hear for a while if anyone needs me:
Posted by: Robot Buddha | June 07, 2006 at 04:15 PM
I got all my witty comments eaten on my blog. Grrrr....
Well said, Blogen. If there was EVER a stack of proof against a sky-god, you've covered just about all of it. I'd add the existence of Carrot Top as another argument against, personally.
Posted by: HelenWheels | June 07, 2006 at 04:18 PM
How about a land god or a sea god?
"In Neptune we trust" has a ring to it.
Posted by: Comandante Agi | June 07, 2006 at 05:58 PM
I disagree that "nothing happened" on 06/06/06. After all the Anaheim ANGELS defeated the Tampa Bay DEVIL Rays 12 (a multiple of 6) to 2 (a common denominator of 6,) thus proving that God not only exists, but that he loves us.
Posted by: Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker | June 07, 2006 at 07:53 PM
Lest we forget, there is always aka Diety of the Day, in case one can't make up their mind.
I personally know that there is no god at all, otherwise the Chicago Cubs would have one a World Series by now.
Posted by: DivaJood | June 08, 2006 at 06:18 AM
There is most definitely a SKy God, and if you're in any doubt, just watch the beginning of any episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Sky God shows his utter disgust with the human race by stomping on us with His Holy foot. Which, of course, is exactly what we deserve.
Posted by: litbrit | June 08, 2006 at 11:32 AM
The lioness was heard to roar "Hakuna Matata" before she pounced.
I personally know that there is no god at all, otherwise the Chicago Cubs would have one a World Series by now.
Maybe there really IS a God, but he's really pissed
Posted by: actor212 | June 08, 2006 at 11:32 AM
I personally know that there is no god at all, otherwise the Chicago Cubs would have one a World Series by now.
Maybe there really IS a God, but he's really pissed
Cruel, actor212. Just, so cruel.
Posted by: DivaJood | June 08, 2006 at 11:55 AM
Why the hell can I comment here but not on blogger?!? I'm gonna switch! I can't stand it!
Posted by: HelenWheels | June 08, 2006 at 04:49 PM