By now, you all know that Little Ricky said last night on Fox News that they'd finally found those elusive WMDs, the existence of which was put forward by the administration as the first of many reasons we invaded Iraq. Of course, Santorum was lying - the WMDs they've found (over a 3 year period) were not only degraded, they were not the WMDs we went to war to get rid of - this according to the Pentagon. But you guessed it - the paste-eaters are latching on to this story as proof of the Dear Leader's righteousness.
Once again, Agitprop feels duty-bound to visit right-wing websites to report to you, the home viewer, on the wingnut fallout:
All Things Beautiful - this proves that there were WMDs all along and Bush is a master diplomat ... and don't you just hate the fucking French?
All Things Conservative - Democrats will say it's only 500 shells so the war is still illegal, but it's not, because we say so, and Bush should be talking a lot more about what a success the war is.
Austin Bay Blog - John Negroponte must hate America because he won't declassify the whole report. And Saddam had to go because, among other reasons, his regime was breeding terrorists, even though it never did.
Big Lizards - we have no idea what's going on, but we'll believe anybody who says what we want to hear, and so what if it's all pre-Gulf War stuff? If you find empty shells and chemical drums in the same ZIP code it counts!
Blogs of War - we never cared if they found WMDs or not but, now that they have, this proves everything we've ever said, including that Scott Ritter is a fat doodyhead.
Blue Crab Boulevard - so what if the WMDs might not work and might not be the ones we were looking for as long as we can use them to make fun of liberals, because liberals are real silly.
Bullwinkle Blog - since this comes from a declassified portion of one Pentagon report, there must be other still-classified reports that will show there are even more WMDs - but the left will never admit it.
Captain's Quarters - so what if it's old stuff ... Saddam would have used the shells for sure on our troops even though he didn't.
CNS News - the Duelfer Report, which said there were no WMD stockpiles, said there were WMD stockpiles.
Confederate Yankee - this story was only reported by Fox, and that shows that there's a plot by the liberal media to cover up the story because they're afraid Bush is right.
Expose the Left - lefty bloggers suck, and now that they're all upset because we found WMDs, it's finally O.K. to question their patriotism, which we've never done before, ever, honest.
Flopping Aces - if we link to lots of other wingnut blogs it'll make the WMDs real.
Freedom Watch - Bush was so scared of the Democrats and the MSM that he didn't tell us about the WMDs they found.
Hot Air - Bush didn't say anything about the WMDs so he wouldn't embarass countries he doesn't give a shit about embarassing.
Hugh Hewitt - The Washington Post didn't ask for information in the report that the Pentagon wouldn't have given it anyway, and that means the Post hates America. And so does The Boston Globe. And The New York Times.
Instapundit - this just might make war opponents look real stupid, but one day it'll make the CIA look even stupider, especially if we're all speaking Arabic.
JunkyardBlog - the Pentagon's statement was a Jedi mind trick, and even Fox News fell for it ... no fair!
Macsmind - if we translate enough documents, we'll find the pony. Pass the paste.
NRO Online (K-Lo) - Alan Colmes thinks everything's about politics!
Patterico's Pontifications - The Los Angeles Times hates America.
Prying1 - liberals can't criticize Bush unless they're willing to lick one of Saddam's old shells ... well, they can't criticize Bush at all, but I still want to see them lick the shells.
Right Wing News - the left tells the truth and that's why nobody trusts them on national defense.
Santorum Blog - what did you expect? I had to do something ... I'm getting my ass kicked! No, seriously, pay attention! Please, read my blog!
ShrinkWrapped - NPR hates America.
The Real Ugly American - I don't know what to think, but somehow this proves that Atrios and Keith Olbermann are real dumb.
The Sundries Shack - Mahablog is really fucking stupid, and we're real smart.
Wizbang - I have never doubted there were WMDs even though we don't yet know enough to know whether there were WMDs.
tags: bush iraq wmds 9/11 weapons of mass destruction al qaeda hot air scott ritter instapundit zarqawi msm media
What keeps your cerebellum on the inside when you read these bombshell analyses?
Posted by: Tata | June 22, 2006 at 08:50 AM
Rick is just doing The Full Monty
Posted by: The Heretik | June 22, 2006 at 10:29 AM
i want to join in and commend you for doing the scut work. i am a regular reader of buckley (i dig his elegant writing style and remember fondly the old PBS debates he used to host) and victor davis hanson (i'm an old student of his, but that was classics, not politics) but most of the the bloggers for the right are noxious. bravo and stuff.
Posted by: Stephen Benson | June 22, 2006 at 11:31 AM
Bravo? If you can't get your facts right, how on Earth do you expect anyone to believe you? You say in your first paragraph that WMDs were "the first of many reasons we invaded Iraq."
It was not the first. In fact, WMDs were the primary reason used before the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, but it was one of the last reasons put before the American people. The President has been outlining Hussein's penchant for genocide and his open and active support for international terrorists well before he said anything about his daily violations of UN resolutions, including a cease-fire.
Your "criticism" of me is also of-base. I did not contend that Mahablog was "stupid". I said that she wrongly attributed her money quote to the wrong place and that she's using snark in place of knowledge.
Much like you did in this post.
Posted by: Jimmie | June 22, 2006 at 11:51 AM
Your "criticism" of me is also of-base.
Perhaps, but I got a C&L link today - your traffic will go through the roof!
... she's using snark in place of knowledge.
Much like you did in this post.
Snark at a blog called AGITPROP? How could that happen?
Posted by: blogenfreude | June 22, 2006 at 12:06 PM
You deserve a medal for wading through all that toxic waste.
Posted by: The CultureGhost | June 22, 2006 at 01:00 PM
You deserve a medal for wading through all that toxic waste.
If Atrios or Kos links me up, we'll call it even.
Posted by: blogenfreude | June 22, 2006 at 01:07 PM
Will you still talk to us if that happens?
Posted by: The CultureGhost | June 22, 2006 at 02:23 PM
Will you still talk to us if that happens?
Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup ...
Posted by: blogenfreude | June 22, 2006 at 03:04 PM
Is it Thanksgiving or - OH NO! It's the giant head of Blogenfreude floating down Broadway! Take cover!
Posted by: Tata | June 22, 2006 at 03:22 PM
I want to commend you for your diligence in reviewing all those sycophants for Bush blogs.
On another note, it is efforts like this that will lead O'Reilly to place you on his list. Well, that is when he remembers that he has a list that you should be foisted upon.
Posted by: M A F | June 22, 2006 at 03:41 PM
Stop hating America or we will drown you in Victory Gin. Hooray we found the WMDs!!!
Posted by: Comandante Agi | June 22, 2006 at 03:47 PM
OMG! I'd need serious therapy (more than I get now) if I'd read so many winger sites. You have great courage and stamina.
Posted by: spiiderweb | June 22, 2006 at 05:37 PM
God bless you people for doing the work, so we don't have to.
Posted by: watertiger | June 22, 2006 at 05:49 PM
What planet do you live on? WMD was one of two reasons Bushie put forth in persuading the American people to go to war. WMD and Hussein's "support" for al Qaeda. The other 23 or so reasons only came AFTER the attack and the administration KNEW there were no WMD.
Posted by: JPark | June 22, 2006 at 06:26 PM
Oh my goodness, enjoy that much-deserved hot shower, my dear.
And to those wingnut morons who still support the war, and still think there is a link between Saddam and Al-Qaida and/or that there ever were real WMD's in Iraq, and actually stand by Loserville-bound Rick Santorum's desperate Hail Mary attempt and Rummy's "I'll go along because I truly don't give a shit--I have fucking job security PLUS, bitchez!" posturing, I say:
Posted by: litbrit | June 22, 2006 at 07:25 PM
(Love the water pistol, by the way.)
Posted by: litbrit | June 22, 2006 at 07:26 PM
Oh, c'mon. Everybody knows that the reason we went to war in Iraq had nothing to do with WMDs. It's entirely, completely and utterly about world domination and lining the pockets of the Texas Oil Barons. But if you want any WMDs I am sure that Martha Stewart knows how to build a personal-sized thermo-nuclear device that would fit nicely into a shopping cart, and would be decorated perfectly.
Posted by: DivaJood | June 22, 2006 at 09:31 PM
Hey - I know I'm a little guy compared to some of the names you listed but I think it only fair that I be included in the list of right-wing websites. - Bush didn't lie and this stuff that was found is not harmless. - prying1 -
P.S. Paste-eaters? Whats wrong with eating paste? It's just flour and water. Lets see any 'progressives' lick something out of one of the WMD's that were found.
Posted by: prying1 | June 22, 2006 at 11:03 PM