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June 15, 2006


0o0o0o0o0, That would be so sweat...

you are godless!

I'll definitely send a letter. Few things make me as blindingly angry as hearing about people who steal the work of others, and then make money (and or fame) from it.


I had to double check to make sure you said "pulled his book"...

I wrote: "Now that she has been exposed as a plagiarist, aren't you the least bit concerned that you might be sued for damages in proportion to how many copies you've sold?"

Ooh - I like the way you think. Nuthin' like wrecking her market permanently. Though she has no one to blame but herself.

Why do you hate America, Blogenfreude? Why?

This is sweet alright. Not only am I sending an email BUT I copied & pasted the entire RAW STORY article as a review on Amazon.com!!!!

Tee hee. Hope the monster goes down in flames.

Ha. Tell them Rude Pundit and I have more to come!

The key thing isn't turning out to be the plagiarism. It's the sources.

Talon News seems to have higher standards than Coulter and her publishing house.

Her endnotes are almost worthless. Instead of citing the right wing or specious source she really used...she mentions other sources instead.

We - RP and me - could use some help in getting this out there more. I mean...it is kind of strange that Ben Domenech seemed to get more attention than Coulter is. And at least he wasn't ripping off far right suspect sources to make his arguments.


Why won't she just mix a bunch of liquor and pills and aspirate her own vomit and die (semi)peacefully in her sleep? Failing that, how about she aspirates on *my* vomit and dies?

I'm definitely going to do some blogging on this. I hate the woman. She's an evil cretin. I think she's really harmful and if we can help take her down we're doing society a world of good.

Somewhere, someone much more clever than I pointed out that "the shit she's spewing is not even her own ..."

You people are unbelievable morons! It's obvious that Coulter's intelligence and wit is beyond your collective comprehension! I have read some of the stupidest posts on this blog and wonder if any of you made it past the 3rd grade?

I have read some of the stupidest posts on this blog and wonder if any of you made it past the 3rd grade?

Watch it! Those were four of the happiest years of my life!

I am all over it, bf.

I bet U of Michigan Law School is so proud of Little mAnnie.

Michael: I'd love to see your blog. I bet it is far superior to this one.

Michael's blog is so bloggy, it's blogorific!

But only he can see it because it's invisible.




Fuck that horrid bitch and the words she has stolen! None of her thoughts are original, so it comes as no surpirise that her written words are equally uninspired.

I hope they pull it.

And even if they don't, I hope they get their publishing asses sued right along with hers!

Okay, this post made me late for work this morning. However, tomorrow, when I am NOT working, Crown Publishing Group is going to get a letter sent to them by myownself.

Not only is she evil, but little ms. Annie Cancer is stupid.

Having had my own work (research paper) plaigeried by an adversary and data I presented first hand not even acknowledged, I know how insulting this would be to the authors of the writings Ms Coulter stole. I think she should be taken down. Her vapid, berzerker commentary is enough reason, but that would be censoring. Letting people see her insanity is enough for saner minds to evaluate. Crush her.

Failing that, how about she aspirates on *my* vomit and dies?

Posted by: Thesaurus Rex

Don't put your mouth there!

It's obvious that Coulter's intelligence and wit is beyond your collective comprehension! I have read some of the stupidest posts on this blog and wonder if any of you made it past the 3rd grade?

Posted by: Michael

My IQ is twice your weight, and I'm factoring in your Cheetos eating, Sprite gulping, no-exercise 'cept running from mama when she calls me to lance her boils fat ass into account.

That's right: four figures! See ya in the funny pages, sport!

Does this mean she pretends to be someone else when she gives random guys handjobs on the DC Metro?

Ann Coulter is Satan's Bitch. Her hands should be cut-off and her tongue cut-out so we never have to read or hear another vial thought from the meanest bitch on the planet.

Hopefully, her little voting fraud problem will put her away for awhile. The she can really be someones bitch.

Oh, I forgot, burn the bitch's books

I was in a conversation about Ann today.

She is kind of like a meaner, convervative Howard Stern...

Except WAY less hot.

We can't in a bunch about her any more than the convservatives

She and the bush daughters should be supporting the troops, doing social work in iraq.
Also if more chicken shit bird colonels were with the troops, along with frontline generals, there wouldn't be any investigations about war crimes being committeed by our troops. Cocktail generals and bird colonels need to be leading from the frontlines. Then you wouldn't see all the crap floating down from the top onto our troopers. The officers need to be schakled instead of the enlisted men.

didn't it take a public tongue-lashing from Oprah for thepublisher to do anything about "A Million Little Pieces"? The publishers then waited until the second fictional autobiographical book was nailed for the same problems to end their contract with the author.

The publishers are making too much cash off Coulter's hot little potato of a book to do anything. I'd, personally, like to see those whose work was plagiarized to sue Coulter and the publisher for their shares of the profits and then to sue Coulter every friggen time she plagiarizes again. Maybe then she won't make money hand over fist without having to work to make her own illogical statements up.

Scot...Ann would just resort to spewing out her ass if nothing else was workable.

As long as the bitch sells books - her publisher will stand by her. And there have been plagiarists who have weathered the storm and not been dropped by either agent or publisher - Doris Kearns Goodwin comes to mind. Coulter has called for the assassination of presidents - and no one in Congress followed the law and charged her. Somehow I doubt plagiarism will make much of a difference either.

Sadly, no. The book is selling. If real publicity results from this, it'll probably sell more copies. People who like Coulter aren't coming from the high ground to begin with, you know?

keep up the good work!!

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