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June 27, 2006


That sure is some nutty wingnuttiness! My favorite is the end of the "cut & run" talking point. They can't use it now that the top general in Iraq suggested pulling out. I busted out laughing when I heard that. There just had to be a WTF moment w/bushco upon learning they had just smeared Kerry for the same thing.

The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.\

It saddens me to know that the world's biggest dick can't get it up without help. Personally, all I need is some porn and a keno girl who can suck the chrome off a car bumper...

Huh! No wonder I've been craving bridge mix all day.

These are just more signs that the US is becoming a surveillance society. The Bush administration is secretly tapping into a global database of confidential financial transactions for nearly five years and companies like AT&T are saying they can do whatever the hell they want with customer records because it’s theirs. Read more at: http://www.soxfirst.com/50226711/business_of_surveillance.php

Kos said you could post this? May we see the email? Not that we're questioning you or anything, but we need to be sure.

ahhhh, a slice of blog heaven. Good to see nothings changed.

Does anyone know how to stop this freakin' hand basket cause I want to get out right now. It's going to fast and I know where it's heading.

Sure, Kos said it was ok to post this rant, but did you get approval from George Soros signed in triplicate???

Hey - if you wrote "will the wingnuts blame it on the Clintons" before Limpballs joked about it on his radio show, you are scarily prescient. He said he got the pills at the Clinton museum's gift shop!!

Hey - if you wrote "will the wingnuts blame it on the Clintons" before Limpballs joked about it on his radio show, you are scarily prescient.

I did - but it was a joke. He never disappoints, does he?

... but did you get approval from George Soros signed in triplicate???

Soros wouldn't sign, and he sent me to Jane Hamsher. She said she doesn't have Kos's permission to issue a ruling on a non-serious blog, so she sent me to Retardo Montalban over at Sadly, No! Retardo said to email The Rude Pundit, who told me he didn't give a shit whether I put up the post or not. So I did.

This thread is like watching the varsity team suit up for the Big Game. Or strip down, depending on your high school.

This thread is like watching the varsity team suit up for the Big Game. Or strip down, depending on your high school.

Posted by: Tata

Naked FReepers????


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