Richard Viguerie - Shut the Fuck Up
Poor Richard Viguerie. His clever plan to strip us of our unions, our salaries, and the New Deal isn't working out quite as he'd hoped, and now Viguerie has a bit of a problem with the current occupant of the White House. He has this problem despite the fact that Bush is the poster boy of the conservative movement that Viguerie has nurtured from infancy. Examples of Dick's kvetching can be found in a recent Raw Story interview - he's promoting his new book, Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause.
Dick feels betrayed because he "didn’t support invading Iraq. He says national security decisions are too often made for political gain. And he maintains that Tom DeLay used 'legal plunder' for the 'immoral purpose of holding onto power.'”
Hmmm, let's hit Google, shall we?
Right-wing direct mail guru Richard Viguerie declared, "Conservatives are thrilled that Bush, a centrist, establishment Republican, has selected a solid conservative to balance the ticket." He went on to address Bush's strategy to keep both the right- and moderate- wings of the party on board: "Dick Cheney looks like 'them'(establishment republicans) but he sounds like (and is) one of 'us' - a principled conservative." [emphasis supplied]
Doesn't sound like he's too upset. What else is in here?
Richard Viguerie, the conservative direct-mail magnate, is resigned to Bush's ascendancy and supportive. Eight months ago, Viguerie dismissed Bush as an "Elvis impersonator," opining that "Bush has never taken the lead on an issue of importance to conservatives." Now Viguerie is all for Bush. "He's within an acceptable range," sighs Viguerie. The word "acceptable" emerges often when conservatives discuss the GOP nominee. [emphasis supplied]
Gee Dick, sounds like you sensed something bad would happen but put the Dear Leader forward anyway. And Dick, take it like a man! Don't forget that the religious nutjobs you dug up to vote for Ronald Reagan are, in large part, the same nutjobs who voted in the Dear Leader. Think of it ... you're partly responsible for Iraq and the deaths of thousands! Tom DeLay? Quit bitching! How do you think he kept winning and plundering? Your religious nutjobs Dick. Your precious "values voters."
In 2004, before the election, when you knew damn well Bush had fucked the entire country, did you campaign to put someone else in power? No, you ran to the voting booth and pulled the "R" lever again. And you continue to stroke your pet monkey. You've learned nothing - your idea of a good senator is Tom Coburn, another religious whacko who thinks condoms don't protect against STDs and called for open season on doctors who perform abortions. Oh and Dick? Your boy Coburn supported the Iraq debacle, and he still does.
So thanks Dick, thanks a lot. You owe the nation an apology, but we're not holding our breath. Thousands, maybe millions, will die because of your "skills." Innocent civilians in this country and others will be victimized by the Dear Leader's new Gestapo. Atavistic judges appointed by your twisted creation will suck away the last of our civil rights. But keep trying to wash your hands of the mess you helped create ... keep trying. Out damn'd spot.
Snap! You nailed the bastard, Agi.
Posted by: Doug Hoffman | July 29, 2006 at 10:03 AM
Blogen Son of Agi, you nailed him in the second generation.
Posted by: The Heretik | July 29, 2006 at 10:44 AM
How about all the people who've needed Welfare help and couldn't get it, and children who go to bed hungry in America? And all the poor women who couldn't get abortions? What about children who didn't get school programs they needed? Who's to blame for our lack of privacy, illegal prisons and Alberto Gonzalez's blowing his nose in the Constitution? Who is to blame when the rise of the corporate state has meant working people are completely expendable and vote against their own interests?
That asshole owes the nation more than an apology.
Posted by: tata | July 29, 2006 at 12:10 PM
GREAT post, Blogenfreude. What a two-faced rat-bastard!!
Posted by: HelenWheels | July 29, 2006 at 12:33 PM
HW - when the Dear Leader crashes the ship onto the rocks, I want his supporters, friends, and family standing right up there on the bow. No bailing like rats ... own up to what you did.
Posted by: blogenfreude | July 29, 2006 at 12:43 PM
I'm with Doug. Now that Dear Leader is at 29% it's fine to try to sell a book about how he failed conservatism, rather than how conservatism has failed all of us. Being morally corrupt is no excuse.
Posted by: Blue Gal | July 29, 2006 at 01:48 PM
I've created a monster!
just kidding, nice work.
Posted by: Comandante Agi | July 29, 2006 at 09:20 PM
These parasites keep your attention on explosions and death (how could we not look there?) while their hands methodically remove from us all that made possible our American dream. They refill our pockets with bags of sand (NAFTA, CAFTA, the Bankruptcy Reform Bill, revisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act: the list goes on and on). Watch out union leaders__the Patriot Acts I, II and soon to be III are aimed straight at your backs. Even as we begin to sense the truth behind that curtain, we are lead toward the still waters, too entranced to care that the sand in our pockets will weigh us under and that we surely will drown.
We have snapped out of our enchantment with war now that the water has engulfed us. We are struggling for air, but many have been promised enormous wealth and power to hold us down. They will have their New World Order only with the genocide of the middle class. Republicans and Democrats__ they are all Santorums and Liebermans__from the statehouse to the White House__ traitors that push us beneath the water, rejoice as we drown and the American Dream dies. Relax. Think of the flag being burned. Think of gays marrying. Think of sperm dying for lack of a womb. These visions will help us surrender our freedoms, our democracy; even our silly notions about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The meek will inherit six feet of earth, and our children and their children and their children's children will beg for crumbs outside the houses of the lords forever.
Posted by: Desiderata | July 29, 2006 at 09:30 PM
LOL.. calling Bush the poster child of the conservative movement demonstrates an absurd lack of understanding of the history of the conservative movement.
Keep trying to propagandize... just get better at it already.
Posted by: Jeff Barea | July 30, 2006 at 12:06 AM
Jeff, even the old line conservatives think that Bush is the poster child of the conservative movement. Just not thei conservative movement.
When I had lunch with William Buckley a few years ago, he lamented to me how his type of conservatism-- fiscal rectitude, peace through strength and personal responsibility in ALL matters, as well as a moral code in public conduct and a clear line between personal faith and public attitude-- had died and had been replaced by a mishmosh of sloppily overlapping idiocies that didn't bother to reconcile themselves with other parts of the doctrinaires.
So I'm afraid your whine needs some cheese.
Posted by: actor212 | July 30, 2006 at 03:48 AM
Isn't Viguerie one of Al Franken's pet conservatives?
That would explain why, like a drunk, he occasionally has a moment of clarity followed by a relapse into offender behavior.
Kinda like Mel Gibson at an AA meeting...
Posted by: actor212 | July 30, 2006 at 03:49 AM
LOL.. calling Bush the poster child of the conservative movement demonstrates an absurd lack of understanding of the history of the conservative movement.
My dear Barea - it is not your past we are dealing with, but your present, and face it - the Dear Leader has become the face of conservatism. Who cares if one or many of you believe in balanced budgets, zero deficits, national parks, and spoiled milk for schoolchildren? The oh so compassionate face of your movement engages in massive spending (most of it military) and Orwellian monitoring programs and serves up body counts that would make Genghis Khan envious. So sad for you - Bush is conservatism, and if you want it back, impeach him and install some Goldwater wannabe. Go ahead, I dare you.
Keep trying to propagandize, just get better at it already.
Wow - harsh words! You must be a renowned blogger - let's take a look, shall we?
"Benjamin Franklin can kiss my ass"
"First let me reference the scare of Japanese investment in real estate in the U.S. in the 1980's flush with cash from their economic boom. War is not limited to guns."
"We have heard so much about how illegal President Bush's various spying stories are."
Illegal spying stories. Cutting edge analysis like that must mean your comments section is buzzing with activity! Lets'see:
teh funny!
Posted by: blogenfreude | July 30, 2006 at 04:06 AM
"Illegal spying stories," is that like he ripped off John Le Carre?
Posted by: actor212 | July 30, 2006 at 05:04 AM
Beowulf can kiss my ass!
Posted by: Comandante Agi | July 30, 2006 at 06:59 AM
"No, you ran to the voting booth and pulled the "R" lever again."
Any YOU ran to the voting booth and voted for The Other War Party. Voting for the WarMonger with a "D" doesn't make you any less culpable than this neocon slab of human waste who voted for the WarMonger with an "R."
Posted by: AlanSmithee | July 30, 2006 at 07:12 AM
Any YOU ran to the voting booth and voted for The Other War Party.
Yes, I'm sure Kerry would have expanded the war, like Bush has. I'm sure Kerry would give Israel free reign to bomb civilian targets. I'm sure things would be a lot worse for us if Kerry had appointed someone other than Bolton as U.N. ambassador. Yeah - I'm such a doofus - I voted for Kerry!
Posted by: blogenfreude | July 30, 2006 at 07:28 AM
AlanSmithee has a point. It was the Democrats--who controlled the WH and Congress at the time--that brought us Vietnam. Clinton liked dropping bombs (Iraq & Serbia). John Kerry's 2004 campaign was trying to out play Bush on the tough military image...remember "reporting for duty, sir!" at the DNC?
Posted by: Comandante Agi | July 30, 2006 at 07:28 AM
AlanSmithee has a point.
He has a point, but are you doing to tell me that you'd sit at home on election day if the contest were between George Allen and a Dem who voted for the war initially? I think you'd try to stop that son of the Confederacy, non?
Posted by: blogenfreude | July 30, 2006 at 07:40 AM
Since I live in California which is bound to go Dem anyways, I'd vote third party. If I lived in a swing state I'd hold my nose and vote for the Dem. (I voted for Kerry by the way. In retrospect this was a stupid decision on my part).
I should clarify my statement. I don't agree with Alan's blanket statement that both parties are exactly the same when it comes to conducting war as foreign policy. I think it also depends on the individual (Jimmy Carter the dove vs. Johnson the hawk for instance). If Bush wasn't handed the presidency by the Supreme Court in 2000, Gore would have never gone into Iraq and we would currently be on our way to reversing global warming.
However, war is a force to be reckoned with. I don't trust the government, no matter which party is currently in power. Democrats wouldn't think twice about creating a war if it meant increasing their control over the state and gaining votes in the process.
Posted by: Comandante Agi | July 30, 2006 at 07:54 AM
I don't trust the government, no matter which party is currently in power.
True enough, but Clinton never invaded a sovereign nation. Kerry wouldn't have, in my opinion, unless we were attacked. Pick your poison.
Posted by: blogenfreude | July 30, 2006 at 08:29 AM
Bush isn't the poster child of the "conservative" movement, but he looks better on a poster than a steaming pile of dog shit, which would be much more appropriate.
Posted by: Jim | July 30, 2006 at 12:10 PM
Some people forget ye olde duck test. You know, if it quacks, dresses, etc.
So since conservatism believes in fiscal responsibility and smaller government, then does this alleged "poster child" limit government and spending?
Hmmm, liberals are into big government, social programs, and excessive taxes to equalize the income gap. Does Bush sign big spending bills? Does Bush like to give money to (ooooh faith-based) social programs? Has Bush increased the invasion of personal privacy by the government?
Face it liberals, he's your boy.
Um, blogenfreude... did u read the post I proudly wrote about how BareaBlog sucks? Dealing with the issues is so hard these days, ain't it?
Posted by: Jeff Barea | July 30, 2006 at 01:47 PM
Hmmm, liberals are into big government, social programs, and excessive taxes to equalize the income gap. Does Bush sign big spending bills? Does Bush like to give money to (ooooh faith-based) social programs? Has Bush increased the invasion of personal privacy by the government?
Sorry, he's still not my cup of tea. It's the Orwell crap, don't you know.
Has Bush increased the invasion of personal privacy by the government?
Duh, what's "yes" Alex? Which means, post Brennan ratchet theory, that going backwards, 4th amendment wise, is painful. Sorry - he's yours - can't believe there's a conservative troll at my blog trying to disclaim Bush.
Um, blogenfreude... did u read the post I proudly wrote about how BareaBlog sucks?
No, but I didn't need to. QED.
Posted by: blogenfreude | July 30, 2006 at 03:07 PM
beautifully said. i've seen your comments at Night Bird's Fountain, but didn't realize you were so gifted. nice rant.
the "conservative cause" and the big-boxed raptcha-readies will produce blowback like the stench off a pond of hog shit at our lovely new animal production facilities. yep, we'll all be stinkin' and smellin' it.
yes, agi is correct: they're all whores. i'd go green if it was possible to do that without splitting the democratic vote. maybe the Lamont campaign will change one damned thing.
hopefully, the other set of white men will "win" and vigurie, the angry little dick, will be wondering how to get that genie back in the bottle. the Kreeschun Taliban will do more than embarass the idiots that riled 'em up.
shut the fuck up, indeed!
Posted by: fade2bluz | July 30, 2006 at 06:07 PM
Screw him, just like he enjoyed screwing us
Posted by: pissed off patricia | July 31, 2006 at 04:18 AM
Face it liberals, he's your boy.
Posted by: Jeff Barea
Um. No. Sorry. Governmental intrusion and tax cuts are the domain of the know-nothings.
Nice try, tho! You can rationalize all you want, but as you point out, if it has webbed feet, a bill and quacks, you can call it a swan, but it's still a fucking Conservative.
Posted by: actor212 | July 31, 2006 at 01:15 PM
Sorry - he's yours - can't believe there's a conservative troll at my blog trying to disclaim Bush.
Posted by: blogenfreude
I thought the circus left town in April? They left a clown behind.
Posted by: actor212 | July 31, 2006 at 01:16 PM
Wow, Barea is really delusional. Blogenfreude, I can't believe a conservative is up in here trying to shove the bumbleshrub off on us, either. How is that even minutely rational? Did any of us VOTE for him? No? Well, how can he be "ours"? Not that he got voted in anyway, but you get my drift. What liberal or Democrat ever wanted to give up his/her personal privacy? None? Yep. That's what I thought. Clinton had a 3 trillion surplus? Hmmm... who's fiscally responsible? Bumbleshrub with the 3 trillion or so deficit (growing by leaps and bounds) or the Democrats? What Dems or Liberals are anti-gay, and want to do away with the Constitution and the separation of church and state? None? Yup, pretty sure. Hmmmm.... many questions Barea ought to be asking, but probably won't.
Barea, give it up. You're not even remotely on par with Blogenfreude, I'd suggest cutting your losses before he REALLY tells you what he thinks.
Posted by: HelenWheels | August 01, 2006 at 10:51 AM