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August 15, 2006


Oy dat. Now I am afeared.

Well, they hate America because they hate our freedoms or something like that.

Why do I hate Michelle Malkin?

do androids dream of electric sheep?

The TSA does hate America. I saw it myself on Keith Olbermann last night. I'm afeared too!

Oh well. The feelings mutual because, as an American, I hate the reich wing.

Afraid and full of hate. What a way to go through life. I hope Virginia is filled with enough decent people to run that racist bastard out of town on a rail, but being he's a Republican, is anyone really surprised?

Afraid and full of hate. What a way to go through life. I hope Virginia is filled with enough decent people to run that racist bastard out of town on a rail, but being he's a Republican, is anyone really surprised?

Hate and fear -- what a way to run a country. Sounds like the right is mad that more people weren't killed in the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

The good news is, they keep telling us that anybody who doesn't enjoy our Crusade is an "elitist," so 60 percent of us are in the elite! Sort of Lake Wobegon on a national scale.

this ad to hit TV in spet might help the situation...

Supporting the war is hating america, Supporting the troops and facing reality is not. Its not as much that they hate america as it is that they love themselves more.

With all the hate in the world, I thank Jeebus daily for Michelle Malkin. In this world gone mad, she's my little China (ok, Phillipino) doll that makes me see all that is good and decent...about being a Republican, of course.

Why does anyone take someone known to be paid off by the Government seriously anymore? Actually, why would anyone EVER have taken Malkin seriously?

Where I come from, there is an expression, usually used in describing animals, that people use when they suspect an animal is inbred.

"Them eyes are a little too close together."

Take another look at Michelle, and keep this expression in mid. Some folklore is more accurate than other folklore is.

Why did they abolish National Brotherhood Week?

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