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August 01, 2006


You might think this jovial looking neoconservative is pretty harmless.


I'd just love to do a body wax on this guy.

A body wax followed by a salt rub, then a dip into a vat of acid!

Three cheers for Operation Rest of the Brown Ones!

anyone care to contribute money to the J-Pod campaign for liposuction?

OK, Freude, listen...

Reading the NY Post? My god, YOU'RE OBSESSING!

I prescribe a heavy dose of Noam Chomsky, because if you read too much of this shit, you'll go mad and then you'll be prime raw material for Rush!

Can we get an intervention here, gang?

J-Pod...is that like an iPod for jerks instead of music?

J-Pod is an idiot. As were his homophobe parents Norman-Pod and Midge Dector.

Reading what he said made my stomach feel strange. What the hell happened to these people? How can they say shit like that? Jesus, when can we expect a little sanity in this country?

That dude is fat, and you dude are



go here: http://www.virtualp.us/blog/?p=1698

Can we expect Tony to release Mr. blogenfreude back into his natural habitat or will we be visiting the dude exhibit at the Blog Zoo?

Blogenfreude HATES being tagged. Good luck, Tony!

"(did you know that haircuts on Friends signalled a conservative resurgence?)"


Can we expect Tony to release Mr. blogenfreude back into his natural habitat or will we be visiting the dude exhibit at the Blog Zoo?

He will be turned over to the proper authorities once he has been "cleansed."

OMG. You found a picture of the missing link...

It is unbelievable that we have think tankers and military officials woh casually bandy about notions of genocide, oh and implement them. I'm really scared and that's frightening.

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