Bush turned our government into a criminal enterprise, started an unwinnable war, and polarized the nation - do you suppose the wingnuts think these things had just a little bit to do with the defeat of their beloved GOP?
Ace of Spades - we lost because we failed to provide quality customer service.
All Things Beautiful - we're going to lose because of Bush Derangement Syndrome™.
Althouse - liberals think that when the Republicans win it's not because people actually want them to win but because they have devious ways of jacking up the numbers - mean nasty liberals!
American Thinker - Santorum lost because he concealed his true wingnut nature - Santorum '08!
Ankle Biting Pundits - we blame Mitt Romney.
Atlas Shrugs - I blame the jihad-loving MSM and the fact that Republicans are way too accomodating.
Blue Crab Boulevard - not only did we lose, giant snails are taking over Barbados.
Captain's Quarters - I blame the Catholics.
Confederate Yankee - if we lose it won't be because I didn't link to enough delusional wingnuts!
Debbie Schlussel - I blame liberals in the People's Republic of Ann Arbor.
Flopping Aces - goodbye wingnut judicial appointees, hello cut and run.
GOP Bloggers - we blame Tom Tancredo.
Hugh Hewitt - Santorum's loss is really a good thing because now Bush can put him on the Supreme Court.
Hot Air - some gay marriage bans passed, so that proves America still loves us!
Little Green Footballs - the fault lies not in ourselves, fellow lizards, but directly at the feet of The New York Times.
Macsmind - maybe now the press will look into all those Democrat scandals.
Michelle Malkin - conservatism won although the GOP lost, and best of all we have retained our God-given right to fag bash.
NRO (Jonah Goldberg) - I blame Rich Lowry.
NRO (K-Lo) - I blame childish voters for throwing a temper tantrum.
NRO (Myrna Blyth) - I blame mud.
NRO (Ramesh Ponnuru) - cloning and stem cells and Reid - oh my!
Patterico's Pontifications - we blame the Republicans, but only because they let Maxine Waters run unopposed.
Powerline - we blame the Democrats for having no plan for Iraq - how dare they let us hoist ourselves on our own petard!
Redstate - if we'd banned abortion, started more wars, and denied old people their drugs then we'd have won this thing.
Riehl World View - Lieberman's victory proves Iraq had nothing to do with this ... no, seriously!
Sister Toldjah - I blame the American people for wanting "change" - what the fuck is wrong with the way things are?
Townhall (Kevin McCullough) - I blame you wingnuts who didn't get up off you butts and vote for wingnut candidates ... because of you the advance of the moral sewer is coming closer to each of our homes ... GAAAHHH!!! It's over! We'll never have a state religion now!!! GAAAHHH!!!
Townhall (Michael Medved) - I blame the viciousness of the political process, particularly Democrat viciousness - why can't they all be docile, like Joe Lieberman?
graphic: Comandante Agi
The cleanup is not going to be easy after a scene like this. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the West Wing today. I haven't felt this good since I watched Argentina defeat Mexico in the World Cup.
Posted by: Comandante Agi | November 08, 2006 at 07:55 AM
Two words.
Woo hoo!
It'll be a blast watching Bush's speech today. After drinking a gallon of Jack Daniels last night (or is Bush more a Thunderbird man?) prez is gonna look like the Cryptkeeper. You just watch.
Posted by: Doug | November 08, 2006 at 08:05 AM
Fingerpointing....just another service provided by the low-normals at Right Wing Central...
Posted by: actor212 | November 08, 2006 at 08:23 AM
My favorite moment of last night's coverage was when the guy from RedState.com was claiming a victory...
Because Lieberman won.
Posted by: Crackpot Press | November 08, 2006 at 08:31 AM
Okay, so let's get cracking overturning that veto!
Posted by: Crackpot Press | November 08, 2006 at 08:32 AM
This is what happens when you're convinced you are invincible. A lot of these folks have no experience in losing, and they are cracking ubder the pressure. Lets get civilized, shall we? People of all political persuasions can read the reactions.
Posted by: Miss Cellania | November 08, 2006 at 09:29 AM
not only did we lose, giant snails are taking over Barbados.
God, that's hilarious.
Posted by: Paul the Spud | November 08, 2006 at 09:30 AM
"I would love to be a fly on the wall in the West Wing today." There should be more than enough with all the BS piled up there. Maybe Nancy Grace or Glen Beck will fly by for a pick over of steaming entrails.
Posted by: mandt | November 08, 2006 at 10:06 AM
Gloat gloat gloat gloat gloat gloat gloat. That's all I'm doing today. Gloat gloat gloat gloat GLOAT!
Posted by: HelenWheels | November 08, 2006 at 10:40 AM
I haven't figgered out how to do trackbacks yet, but I'm linking to this 'cause of the Santorum stuff. Amazing.
Shakes gave you a link too. xoxo
Posted by: Blue Gal | November 08, 2006 at 11:00 AM
My comment at BlueCrab....
"So Republicans have fled to Barbados? Wow. Never thought they'd cut and run...."
Posted by: actor212 | November 08, 2006 at 11:23 AM
Hahahah. I blame the Catholics.
Posted by: Chris | November 08, 2006 at 11:49 AM
Happy happy happy!
Posted by: Kathy | November 08, 2006 at 12:01 PM
Ding dong! Rumsfeld's gone!!!!
Posted by: marc | November 08, 2006 at 12:09 PM
Feel the urge to gloat? Why not take a stroll through The Hall of Losers?
Posted by: Brendan | November 08, 2006 at 12:46 PM
today I'm as happy as Tiziano Crudeli.
Mission Accomplished!
Posted by: Comandante Agi | November 08, 2006 at 12:47 PM
Would Jesus gloat? Oh hell yes he would!
Posted by: sumo | November 08, 2006 at 02:35 PM
Thank you for posting so many excellent links. On *those* blogs is where we should all be spending our time. On those blogs we may be able to do some good. With all due respect to agitprop, time spent here, reading and commenting, is time spent preaching to the choir. Time spent on the blogs listed above may actually do some good. I challenge everyone who reads this to spend some time on conservative blogs. Confront conservative rhetoric, tear down their flawed logic. Don't be combative or harsh - be the voice of reason. I believe that readers of conservative blogs can be reformed, don't you? Go forth and influence!
Posted by: Donny Bahama | November 08, 2006 at 03:41 PM
Time spent on the blogs listed above may actually do some good.
Uhh... have you ever actually spent some time on those blogs, trying to do good?
Talk about preaching to the choir, let's go check all those blogs and see how many of them were predicting republican victories... that ain't preaching to the choir, that's divorced from reality...
Posted by: JR | November 08, 2006 at 04:39 PM
Captain Ed? Catholics switched their votes because they're not fucking nuts. Comprenez?
Myrna Blyth? That's not mud. Get your sinuses cleaned out.
Posted by: Goseph Gerbils | November 08, 2006 at 05:11 PM
Finally our boat has floated in on the sea of blood of american soldiers. Too bad it wasn't a hide tide of 30,000 dead. As our almost president Kerry said they're dumb, torture crazy nazis and as such they should be executed. Make sure you send cards to the mutilated ones expressing your joy over the loss of their limbs. Support your local al-qaida in hope of more military deaths. The next step must be close cooperation with our freedom-fighter brothers-in-arms to deliver a well deserved and long overdue massive nuclear attack on the great satan and it's unwashed, ignorant minions. We can blame it on bush and on the republicans and have all the dead cast votes in '08. our noble goal to eradicate all who are not as enlightened as us, justifies all means. give them education or give them death! My favorite mengele action figure, "doctor" dean would have like to horde the evil republicans to the gas-chambers, but it would have been bad for the environment.
judgement day is here for the evil rich who dare to make more then 50G-s a year. make their children watch the beheading of their capitalist pig parents and broadcast it under the "public has a right to know" banner on al-cnn, the faithful servent of just stalinism.
finally comrade pelosi lifted her face from the puddle of terrorist's sperm and burped at us! child molesters and child murderers unite, your vindication is near! cindy shehan can prop a new dildo into to the partially cannibalized corpse of her dead son and ride-and-bite him again with utter joy.
your time has come, so be not afraid to declare, my heroic leftist: you, indeed, masturbate to 9-11 footage and darn proud of it. you are not a complete personal and professional failure because you are an emotional mess and a pathetic loser! it's the unjust, opressive, greedy, racist, world-destrying society's fault and those dispeakable subhumans on the "other side" whom keep participating.
hail genocide! down with overpopulation! may a thousand beslan help eradicate the children of christians and conservatives! we can not allow their primitive minds infiltrate our higher education!
finally we have a chance to deliver on our slogans: death to america (except liberal states and cities), death to republicans (unless they vote with democrats), death to whites (unless they're agree to reparations and open border), death to christians (unless they're liberals), death to oil companies (unless it's citgo), death to pharmacuticals (unless medicine is free and lawsuits are uncontested), death to carmakers (american only), death to drivers (50miles/g and below), death to halliburton (notify liberals to sell the stock), death to wal-mart (poor people should shop at bloomies), death to lumberjacks (unless the trees are used for paper to promote liberal cause), death to gunmakers (unless it's used to kill a conservative), death to military-industrial complex (stock alert), death to diebold (unless democrats win), death to developers (unless liberals can make money on the deal), death to talkradio (unless it's air america), death to religion (except islam) death to the police, death to the rich (unless you donate to liberals), death to smokers (unless it's weed or crack)
we respect nothing, contribute nothing create nothing. we don't have to. we are the anointed, the elevated and the progressive. we are entitled to unlimited power.
Posted by: infidel3 | November 09, 2006 at 03:40 AM
nice summation and very funny.
but what the hell is a petard?
Posted by: ferin | November 09, 2006 at 05:57 AM
we are the anointed, the elevated and the progressive. we are entitled to unlimited power.
Posted by: infidel3
Can I have your autograph?
Cuz I gotta figure you're going to end up in prison for some high-profile murder, possibly shooting up a school, at some point, and I want to say I knew you when.
By the way, thanks for the compliments, but you know, when you're a god already like me...;-)
Posted by: actor212 | November 09, 2006 at 06:45 AM
Webb won because Virginia is crawling with anti-Semites.
Posted by: Tirebiter in Sector R | November 09, 2006 at 09:34 AM
awww, infidel3's a poor, lonely troll, and like most trolls, he projects that which his own party is most guilty of onto his opponents.
Infidel3? That post, right there, is why you lost on Tuesday.
Posted by: JR | November 09, 2006 at 03:19 PM
You really HAVE TO add the little but horrible right-wing blog called "No Left Turns" to your list. They've got lots of blame to go around, and of course none of it has to do with the bad ideas and evil of the GOP or Bush! Here's an example:
They just LOVE to have lib and lefty commenters!! Come on over and visit sometime, ok??
Posted by: Dave | November 10, 2006 at 11:18 AM
Posted by: infidel3 | 11/09/2006 at 06:40 AM
nice summation and very funny.
but what the hell is a petard?
i hope it's not too heavy to hoist, I'm hernia -prone!
Posted by: JT | November 10, 2006 at 11:42 AM
hey, comrades someone please fire the first shot already! agitprop, my ass! back in the good old days agitprop was a mean to an end. the revolution! wiping out the burgoies, the kulak, the clergy and all enemies of the proletariat. look at the list of blogs...blah blah blah, yap, yap, yap...do smething for marx's sake. put your money where your mouth is (after you removed it from osama's dick). there is no compromise, no agreement and no negotiation. all pipe dreams. every radical societal change throughout history was achieved by revolution. we don't beleive in god or any inherent value of human life so what's the big deal with a little thinning of the herd? we did it in germany, russia, china, cambodia with great success! for decades we didn't have to put up with opposition, having the nerve to doubt our superiority. evolution, baby, all the way! let's see who's the fittest to rule!
Posted by: infide3 | November 10, 2006 at 12:18 PM
put your money where your mouth is (after you removed it from osama's dick).
Our money where our mouth is? Of course Infidel3 -we're implementing our evil Democrat plan even now - soon Hillary or Nancy Pelosi will knock on your door to give you a gay abortion.
Posted by: blogenfreude | November 10, 2006 at 12:33 PM
I'm thinking InFidel stands for something he doesn't want to admit to...
Posted by: actor212 | November 10, 2006 at 12:45 PM
Oooh, ooooh, Freude?
Can I have dibs on the stem-cell embryos? They go great in chili!
Posted by: actor212 | November 10, 2006 at 12:46 PM
i have a great recipe for fetus-dumpling.
Posted by: infidel3 | November 10, 2006 at 01:01 PM
I'm sure you do, InFidel, you and your godless baby-eating Commie-bastard friends...I've seen Jonah Goldberg. I wouldn't let my penis near HIS mouth!
Posted by: actor212 | November 10, 2006 at 01:16 PM
first of all, it supposedly removes wrinkles and women has a right to smooth skin. not to mention to do with her body as she pleases. is she would be eating her own tonsils you wouldn't be complaining. that reminds me, when I started my rent-a-vagina business i was harassed. how come they can do whatever they want with their body, except outsource it on an hourly bases?
Posted by: infidel3 | November 10, 2006 at 01:28 PM
dunno. ask the conservatives. they're the ones who are big on controlling a woman's body.
Posted by: JR | November 10, 2006 at 01:50 PM
We should stay after these punks like Elie Wiesel hunted down Nazis.
Posted by: obnostic | November 10, 2006 at 04:11 PM
pre-emptively, we should put them into gas chambers. better yet have our muslim comrades blow them up. all you have to do is get the blueprint from your local dept of building and safety and e mail it to the jihadist website. you might get lucky and they will do your dirty work. before you know you'll be an honorary muslim.
Posted by: infidel3 | November 10, 2006 at 05:04 PM
Thanks much for this. I was thinking of doing a similar roundup like this myself but I couldn't bear the idea of going into even one of those places.
You're a braver man than I, dude.
Posted by: jurassicpork | November 10, 2006 at 07:27 PM
I blame Tom Tancredo ???? WTF...?!
Posted by: BigDave | November 11, 2006 at 12:10 AM
I'd ask what Infidel3 was burbling about but his nick caused me to picture wingnuts in heels and sequins singing You Can't Hurry Love.
Posted by: Tata | November 11, 2006 at 12:36 PM
I'd ask what Infidel3 was burbling about but his nick caused me to picture wingnuts in heels and sequins singing You Can't Hurry Love.
Posted by: Tata
Posted by: actor212 | November 14, 2006 at 08:24 AM