Yes, one's a direct quote - figure it out in the comments. No peeking.
Ace of Spades - Tip O'Neil's famous 'all politics is local' dictum spells victory in Iraq merely because the Dear Leader invoked it.
American Thinker - if we're going to have a serial adulterer as the Republican nominee, why not Newt?
Atlas Shrugs - don't you just hate the fucking Belgians?
Blogs for Bush - look, we found another Democrat stupid enough to believe the surge is working!
Blue Crab Boulevard - ammo prices are way up, but it has nothing to do with the fact that Bush's wars are sucking up all the bullets.
Captain's Quarters - naked people cause far more global warming than the rest of us.
Confederate Yankee - if I beat this dead Beauchamp horse long enough we'll win in Iraq.
GOP Bloggers - look, Mitt Romney bought enough votes to win another meaningless straw poll!
Hot Air - sure the Republican party is the worst thing to happen to women's rights in generations, but I'd like to point out that the Qur'an does similar damage if you focus on the right parts.
Hugh Hewitt - when the White House lies to you in September about the 'progress' in Iraq, remember that you will be hearing a lie carefully tailored to your demographic.
Instapundit - when the Dem-controlled Congress passes legislation they don't understand and gives Bush more powers I'll complain about it, but when Republicans do that it's fine.
Little Green Footballs - the extreme viciousness of the left is clearly demonstrated by their admission that they're nowhere near as vicious as us wingnuts.
Macsmind - you think al Qaeda is a Saudi Arabian phenomenon, but in fact the group was founded in Bosnia by one Bill Clinton.
Michelle Malkin - Brussels is a caliphate, in fact there's a violent Muslim under every fucking rock in Belgium.
NRO (Jonah Goldberg) - although I'm not sure of the Muslim view of Jesus, I'm certainly willing to post a shitload of emails claiming Muslims deny he's the Christ.
NRO (Michael Ledeen) - if I link to enough wingnuts who claim we're at war with Iran, Bush will go to war with Iran.
NRO (Rich Lowry) - Hillary was impressive and polished as always; Obama seemed strong too; everyone else faded into the background. But I can't say who won until the focus-group results are in!
Patterico's Pontifications - my rosy view of the Iraq war comes, in part, from shit I read in Popular Mechanics.
Riehl World View - I'm stupid enough to believe that Bush wouldn't have sold the Saudi's a bunch of weapons unless he needed to placate them because the Sunnis are getting screwed in Iraq ... which they are.
Another week, another crop of wingnuts.
graphic: Comandante Agi
Reading those reminded me of my least favorite soap opera "As the Stomach Turns".
Posted by: Robert Rouse | August 19, 2007 at 02:22 PM
Great stuff! Thanks
Posted by: hylen | August 19, 2007 at 06:56 PM
so much stupidity, so little time...
Posted by: Comandante Agi | August 21, 2007 at 04:09 PM
You always get me with this puzzle; there never seems to be one that could even possibly be real. But I am going to go with Macsmind, it is the only one that could possibly be a quote. Stupid, but still possible.
In the alternative, Atlas Shrugs. Cuz she is crazy enough to write that.
Posted by: LACJ | August 24, 2007 at 10:44 AM