Osama made another tape, and the wingnuts are in high dudgeon. As always, one is a direct quote:
Astute Bloggers - Osama moved his right hand in the video, so the end is nigh.
Atlas Shrugs - another wingnut says Osama made a nuclear threat against New York City ... who am I to argue?
Blue Crab Boulevard - look! I photoshopped Osama's head onto a Che Guevara t-shirt to make a point even I can't articulate.
bRight and Early - Osama says convert to Islam or die, so we have to stay in Iraq for an infinite number of Friedmans.
Captain's Quarters - I am delusional enough to believe the surge has pushed al Qaeda all the way to the Syrian border.
Cold Fury - Osama is quite shrill, yet he offers no real policy alternatives.
Don Surber - Osama equals Noam Chomsky equals Michael Moore equals ... where was I going with this?
Gay Patriot - I can see the bumper stickers now! Osama/Obama ‘08. Hillary/Bin Laden — Bill Misses You. Edwards/Osama - Delivering Both Americas To Islamism.
Little Green Footballs - the new Osama video has convinced me he's dead.
Redstate - Osama sounds more and more like a Daily Kos Kontributer every day.
Right Wing Nuthouse - Osama has Bush Derangement Syndrome ... just like the leftards!
Sister Toldjah - OBL hates capitalism, slams neocons, trashes Donald Rumsfeld, praises Noam Chomsky - see, I told you that's where the Democrats get their talking points!
Weasel Zippers - geeze, Osama looks like shit.
graphic: Comandante Agi
To tell you how little people think of Al Qaeda's threats and how tired we are of Bush's Chicken Little act, I opened the Daily News today, and with a start realized that NYC had been under a "dirty bomb" threat for the past month...
Posted by: actor212 | September 10, 2007 at 02:15 PM
Osama/Chomsky 2008!
Posted by: Comandante Agi | September 10, 2007 at 05:22 PM
New Osama video seems yet another forgery. Everyone needs Osama alive:
terrorists as symbolic leader and the US Administration - to avoid
scaling down the war on terror.
Obadiah Shoher rightly notes (
http://www.samsonblinded.org/news/osama-commemorates-911-1114 ) that
new Osama talks like a leftist university professor. I like Shoher's
analysis. No way a terrorist leader like Osama would use a speechwriter. Osama is famous
for his rhetoric.
Also, in the tape Osama both threatens America with attack (by
"proving" Americans polytheists) and offers (yet another time)
long-term coaching in Islam.
But his dyed beard makes me cautious. Islam's mujahedeen dye their
beards before battle.
Posted by: Eugene | September 11, 2007 at 04:59 AM