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October 16, 2007


I dunno, dude...the WaPo was talkikng about it, which is how Talking Points found out about it:


I dunno, dude...the WaPo was talkikng about it, which is how Talking Points found out about it

Yeah, but the headline is "Former CEO Says U.S. Punished Phone Firm." It should be: "Former CEO Says Warrantless Wiretap Program Started Before 9/11."

Fair point. It should have been highlighted.

Colbert has been all over this issue the past two nights.

I mean, Olbermann.

I keep wishing for more info on this. It's come out in trickles, with the Nacchio stuff the first major story to highlight it. There can't be enough push on this. The Bushies need to be investigated on everything.

Not to blogwhore or anything but I've been doing my best to get it out there. I posted at Newshoggers and worked it into a post at Detroit News.

By the way there's also this DoD surveillance that I think has been way underreported.

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