Doesn't say whether he's a Republican but, given the events of Cocktober, one can make an educated guess:
Meet Paul Schum. The Kentucky man, a Catholic school principal, is facing a prostitution charge after Louisville police found him dressed like a woman and loitering in an alley Tuesday night.
According to a criminal citation, a copy of which you'll find here, Schum, 50, was wearing fishnet stockings, fake breasts, and "all black leather" when officers discovered him "loitering in high drug trafficking and prostitution area." The citation notes that Schum, who heads Bethlehem High School, had "no reason for why he was in alley ... dressed up in women's leather other than for prostitution." Schum, now on paid leave from his school post, is due in court on November 27 to answer a misdemeanor charge of loitering for the intent of prostitution.
He makes Bob Allen look like an amateur, you'll agree. Smoking Gun has more here.
UPDATE: It looks like it'll be a Blowvember to remember - we've got another Larry Craig toe-tapping incident:
DAYTONA BEACH -- A former Daytona Beach city commissioner and a local high school teacher arrested Thursday during a sex sting at a Volusia mall bathroom were released from the Volusia County Brach Jail today, authorities said.
Former commissioner and mayoral candidate Mike Shallow and David Behringer, an athletic trainer and teacher at Seabreeze High School, posted $1,000 bail today after midnight, a jail spokesman said.
"Most everything that's occurring is nonverbal," said Sgt. Jeff Hoffman, supervisor of the criminal suppression team.
Offenders coughed or sneezed, tapped their feet, sometimes under the stall beside them, or made loud zipper noises to attract attention from others interested in engaging in sexual acts, Hoffman said.
Again, no evidence he's a Republican, but Paddy's post outs him as a conservative.
UPDATE 2: Melissa emailed me regarding Shallow's party affiliation:
Here, under "Friday, July 20th, 2007" - Shallow contributed to the campaign of Volusia County States Attorney John Tanner, who, according to here, is a Republican. So, if he's not a registered Republican, he nonetheless contributes their campaigns!
Lamentably loitering in ladies' leather.
Posted by: tata | November 02, 2007 at 08:32 AM
Wow, they just keep dropping like flies.
Prostitution charge possible for lawmaker gay sex in Spokane
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) - The Spokane city attorney says he would review a possible sex solicitation charge against Richard Curtis if the county prosecutor refers the case to the city.
The county prosecutor is looking at a possible extortion charge involving a man who said he had sex last week with the state lawmaker.
Curtis resigned yesterday from the Legislature and apologized for his actions last week when he was in Spokane for a Republican party meeting.
He told police a man tried to extort $1,000 from him. The man, Cody Castagna, says Curtis owed him the money for sex and there was no extortion.
Olberman interviewed Castagna the day before last.
Posted by: PoliShifter | November 02, 2007 at 11:38 AM
damnit, sorry...I see you covered that one further down the page.
Posted by: PoliShifter | November 02, 2007 at 11:38 AM
What is is about conservatism that brings out the dirty kink??
Oh yeah... lemme see... it is the nonstop suppression of one's actual orientation and desires?
Is it the incessant clamping down of one's sphincter so one can fit in with the rest of the uptight frauds?
It is the tiny death of one's soul that takes place when one registers to vote as a Republican?
Whatever the cause, I am now firmly convinced that ya couldn't swing a dildo in any GOP event that ya wouldn't hit a closeted kinkmeister.
Posted by: tina | November 02, 2007 at 12:14 PM
This follows after SEXtember. There are apartmenets for rent here in the Castro folks. Come on out, own your fetish and be amongst others like you. Why lie and hide it?
Posted by: catherine | November 02, 2007 at 12:23 PM
AAAAAAAHHHH! It's so crazy out there. "Most everything that's occurring is nonverbal" How did they know? Was is the size 16 tapping stelletoes?
Posted by: mandt | November 02, 2007 at 12:35 PM
damnit, sorry...I see you covered that one further down the page.
No problem - can't put these hypocrites into the public eye enough.
Posted by: blogenfreude | November 02, 2007 at 03:55 PM
That principal looks like one of the teachers I had in Catholic high school. I bet a few of my teachers were into stuff like that...
Posted by: Comandante Agi | November 04, 2007 at 04:20 PM
And to think, this all started with the flash of a thong in the Oval Office...
Posted by: actor212 | November 05, 2007 at 09:39 AM
Just came from the bog of this guy: RattleGator
Who makes the claim using this posting that because Shallow venerated JFK and Carter, and comes from Boston he must necessarily be a Democrat.
I guess because no Republicans ever came from Boston and no Republican ever venerated the man who got us on the Moon or the man who actually FOLLOWS what Jesus taught and builds houses for the poor. I guess the Republicans are all just too busy trolling for buttsechs for that.
Then of course he makes the following claim:
The overwhelming majority of people engaging in the bathroom stall kind of behavior are obviously Democrats.
Yup, that's right. Because one guy trolls for bathroom sex and we can find no clear answer of his political affiliation he's automatically a Democrat by default and most people trolling for bathroom sex are Democrats.
What a nimrod.
Posted by: E in Md | November 05, 2007 at 12:32 PM
"Doesn't say whether he's a Republican but, given the events of Cocktober, one can make an educated guess"
I hate to parse others writing, but I believe the descriptor should read, "Republican butt," n'est ce pas? Then the conjunction, "however" might be used as linkage to the terminal clause.
Posted by: jim | November 06, 2007 at 06:49 PM
Hasn't every one learned the traditional media's dirty tricks on this one?
If they will not mention the political party affiliation, then it is
REPUBLICAN guaranteed!
Posted by: It's Republicon! | November 13, 2007 at 11:05 AM