If you need more support for my idea that atheism (or a really serious fucking agnosticism) be a requirement for holding public office, here it is:
Rising Republican star Bobby Jindal signed legislation allowing judges to force convicted rapists to undergo chemical castration, the Louisiana Advocate reports:
“I am glad we have taken such strong measures in Louisiana to put a stop to these monsters’ brutal acts,” the governor said in a prepared statement.Jindal signed Senate Bill 144 into law on the day that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Louisiana cannot execute people who rape children under the age of 12.
The governor blasted the high court’s decision.
Enough. How about the death penalty for little GOP Jeebus-loving pro-life cocksuckers whose mission in life is to pile up more dead bodies than Dick Cheney? Not only would many lives be saved, but there’d be much less molesting of the Constitution.
Nobody likes child molesters, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
And Barack Obama says he didn’t like the Supreme Court decision? Fuck you Barack!
Channeling my inner Carlin, I suppose … damn, I miss him.
I guess nobody explained to Balls Off Bobby that chemical castration doesn't stop felonious dudes intent on further felonious behaviors. Nobody wins but BOBobby, which is the way he likes it.
Posted by: Tata | June 28, 2008 at 10:16 AM
I'm curious to see how this plays out. Previously, Americans have been reluctant to put balls into play, but now that we have been adequately desensitized -- thanks to extreme rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques, and the suspension of habeas corpus -- maybe forced reversible chemical castration will be considered acceptable.
Which pharmaceutical lobbyists will be working the DoJ really hard?
Posted by: Grace Nearing | June 28, 2008 at 08:43 PM
Have there been studies done on whether or not chemical castration actually works? I mean serious studies. Because, colour me cynical, I just have this feeling that it doesn't quite fix the problem.
Not that I condone the death penalty, I just don't know all that much about chemical castration and I was wondering.
Posted by: Magical Shrimp | July 02, 2008 at 08:03 AM
Bobby Jindal seems to be somewhat intelligent so he must be ill-informed. The process does not work for those that do not wnat it to. castration as a solution is as insane as the people that branwashed you into a foolish act.
Posted by: Keith Richard Radford Jr | July 16, 2008 at 12:23 PM