And we thought the Ohio teacher who burned his students was bad:
A good Christian father works hard to educate his 13 year old son in the ways of Our Lord Jesus. He sends the boy to Greenville Christian Academy and Trinity Baptist School, and for Summer vacation, he ties him to a tree:
Brice McMillan, 41, told Edgecombe County deputies last week that he tied his son to a tree in the family's yard at 1110 Felton Farm Road and forced him to sleep outside Tuesday and Wednesday nights because he was misbehaving, the Edgecombe County Sheriff's Office said.
Stepmother Sandra McMillan, 36, found Tyler unresponsive around 4:30 p.m. Thursday after being tied to the tree since Wednesday night. He was pronounced dead at Heritage Hospital in Tarboro.
Can't we just fence off a large area (Utah would be easy - nice straight borders) and put all these fuckwits in it so they can't hurt anyone? These are the sort of people who voted for Bush twice and would do it again. Home-schooling the next generation of Wal-Mart employees ... so fucking sad.
This is truly too horrifying. Where do these dopes COME from? Oh that's so sad. And senseless. And all for Jeebus.
Posted by: HelenWheels | June 21, 2008 at 02:04 PM
Very sad, indeed.
Posted by: Lisa | June 22, 2008 at 08:31 PM