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June 29, 2008


I don't think the average idiot sees the floods and fires in direct relation to their voting habits, as long as they have pastors and preachers that God is doing this because we support rights for gays, or don't allow prayer in school.

"God is doing this because we support rights for gays, or don't allow prayer in school." However, it is a known statistical fact that God hates poor people and Republican trailer communities. Just ask any hurricane, flood or New Orleans for that matter.

The Chimpletons would find a way to blame Clinton if Chimpy sent their daughters off to China to work as "comfort women" to pay back some of that debt he ran up. They are not rational people, and the sheer number of them in this country tells me that there are some serious mental health issues here that are going untreated.

No its' not bad to wish that

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