Lot's of severe weather shit happening out there - tornadoes, floods, brush fires started by lightning. Here's what I want to know - does it make me a bad person to hope that the only people flooded out are two-time Bush voters? That the flood waters know where to go and whose house to flood?
Does it make me a bad person to hope that those houses going up in flames from brush fires are owned by Bush Pioneers and other assorted Republican scum? What do you think?
Do you suppose any of these GOP cocksuckers think that eight years of Al Gore might have made a difference as they see grandma floating by in her rocker? Do you think they sense that global warming might just be real as they watch their dog Fluffy drift away on a piece of styrofoam to become 'gator food? Do any of these selfish fucks think that "conservatism" might not be such a hot idea as they dig through what's left of their house to find all the stupid shit they bought at WalMart?
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bend over and let Dick Cheney shove
his giant crude-oil-coated dick up your ass in the form of his Energy
Task Force. Do you think they get the connection? Does Billy Bob
Buttfuck stop to reconsider his voting record as he watches the snakes
he used to handle swim away in the rising flood waters?
Naahh. There might be no polar ice this year? Who cares - isn't it time for American Idol?
As George Carlin said - think of an average person you know, and remember that half the people are stupider than he is. Face it Cynics - We fucked up the environment, and now China and India are doubling down. Bye bye!
I don't think the average idiot sees the floods and fires in direct relation to their voting habits, as long as they have pastors and preachers that God is doing this because we support rights for gays, or don't allow prayer in school.
Posted by: Lew Scannon | June 29, 2008 at 06:55 AM
"God is doing this because we support rights for gays, or don't allow prayer in school." However, it is a known statistical fact that God hates poor people and Republican trailer communities. Just ask any hurricane, flood or New Orleans for that matter.
Posted by: mandt | June 29, 2008 at 11:19 AM
The Chimpletons would find a way to blame Clinton if Chimpy sent their daughters off to China to work as "comfort women" to pay back some of that debt he ran up. They are not rational people, and the sheer number of them in this country tells me that there are some serious mental health issues here that are going untreated.
Posted by: JollyRoger | July 01, 2008 at 07:55 AM
No its' not bad to wish that
Posted by: tenacitus | July 10, 2008 at 06:11 AM