Nobody could have predicted that eight years of the Bush administration would result in ever-worsening severe weather caused by a more rapidly warming planet.
Sure even flooded-out Republicans deserve help, but I wonder if any two-time Bush voters get the connection between their votes and the fact that their house is underwater. A President Gore would have spent a trillion dollars on environmental shit and infrastructure instead of on a new phase of Our Eternal War to Resubjugate Brown People.
Similary, two-time Bush voters should mull the wisdom of allowing a sociopath to pick federal judges next time they’re hauled out of their car, beaten senseless, and strip searched (and lose the resulting lawsuit). When facing foreclosure they should consider the finer points of what a willful failure to regulate can do to an economy. Thought might also be given to what happens to gas prices when you install two oil “executives” in top government jobs - they can think about that when they spend a hundred bucks filling up the Ford Excursion they bought with a home-equity line of credit (that’s in default).
Yeah, I know, it’s a stretch to blame the Dear Leader and the Dark Lord for Cedar Rapids being underwater. But if we’d started eight years ago, our actions might have made the difference between a levee being topped or staying intact. But whatever - it’s just a few more bodies added to the Bush/Cheney tally.
Proving once and for all that if there is a God, he definitely is not a Republican.
Posted by: Lew Scannon | June 14, 2008 at 07:19 PM
See, you're asking two-time Bush voters to think. That's just not something they like to do.
Posted by: Magical Shrimp | June 15, 2008 at 08:40 AM
So many things have gone unknown to everyone, it seems, as the hospital generators on the ground floors in Cedar Rapids go flooding...
Don't planners do contingency planning? "Who could know? Nu?" A smart plan for all Republicans would be to bet on further cataclysmic "acts of God" throughout the homeland.
As the old margarine commercial said, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature." Make that, "assault".
Posted by: Lisa | June 16, 2008 at 07:44 PM