I woke up in sweat at 5 am after this dream … frightening.
The setting is the first presidential debate of 2008.
Moderator: Senator Obama, it’s been said that you lack the experience to be president. How do you respond?
Sen. Obama: As others have pointed out, I have more experience than Abraham Lincoln did when he was elected.
Moderator: Senator McCain?
Sen. McCain: Senator, I served with Abraham Lincoln: I knew Abraham Lincoln; Abraham Lincoln was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Abraham Lincoln.
Sen. Obama: Shit man, who did your embalming?
who did your embalming?
"Sarah Palin! She hunts moose by day and embalms corpses by night. Why else do you think I picked her!?!"
Posted by: Agi | August 29, 2008 at 07:48 PM
It's downright A'Palin! For commentary on the Republican legacy visit http://adgitadiaries.blog-city.com/ peace MandT & Bodhi Dog
Posted by: mandt | August 30, 2008 at 10:11 AM
As the lawyer at the Defeatists, I really, really, really recommend that you do a photoshop of McCain as the "It's" guy from Monty Python, along with Obama as Lincoln...
Posted by: Crusader AXE | August 30, 2008 at 02:18 PM