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September 11, 2008


Yet my parents biggest fear is that Obama will give us socialized medicine!

Why are so many leary of Obama when the writing is on the wall that McPalin is WORSE than four more years of merely the same!

What will it take to wake up America from the comma of GOP rule?

HOW can people be afraid of "socialized medicine" when they scream to the rafters of entitlement to "social security?"

I knew WaMu was tanking the moment they stopped advertising EVERY FUCKING FIVE MINUTES on my the television.

Yet my parents biggest fear is that Obama will give us socialized medicine!

Yes, because America should be like no other country in the world and let people die unnecessarily.

Can you identify the country in which “the biggest and most socialist government intervention in economic affairs since the formation of the Soviet Union and Communist China recently occurred"?

That's right comrades, it's the United States, and the intervention was the government takeover of Freddie and Fannie.

[direct quotation via Roubini]

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