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October 22, 2008


Pass this around: http://www.liberalrevolt.com/article/signs-of-dementia-in-mccain

In fairness, Freude, it's a little hard to list "unlimited pay per view porn on Time Warner Cable, plus an Audi TT Roadster"...

Perhaps there's an alternate usage of "transparency" that means its exact opposite.

Well of course it was always a given that We The People were going to get the chainsaw up the ass-- er, be handed the bill for all this mess. Hank and the gang couldn't possibly be expected to actually give up one of their Bentleys or a yacht or two, could they?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it really is time to haul the guillotine out of storage.

Hey, I've got a pitchfork. No, wait; I don't... but I've got a pitch pipe and a tuning fork. If I glued them together, they'd probably be about as effective as a real pitchfork in this situation... i.e., not at all. I think we're probably fucked.

(Thanks for the link to bailoutsleuth.)

Well of course it was always a given that We The People were going to get the chainsaw up the ass-- er, be handed the bill for all this mess. Hank and the gang couldn't possibly be expected to actually give up one of their Bentleys or a yacht or two, could they?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it really is time to haul the guillotine out of storage.

And another thing. I used to work for American General, which got gobbled up by AIG in a hostile takover right after Enron collapsed. As you might expect, the layoffs began before the ink was even dry. Two weeks before, though, AIG hosted a huge $2,500 a plate dinner on the corporate grounds--and yes, Pappy and Babs Bush were there (along with Ken Lay) to celebrate this "exciting" new "direction" for the company. All of us commoners were ordered to leave two hours early, presumably so the gilded eyeballs of the attendees wouldn't have to endure the horror of actually seeing the working class. Just like the victims of Enron, thousands of people lost good jobs to these high-flying scum and their benefactors on Wall Street. Where all this is going, and why I'm saying it is that, when I talk about bringing out the guillotine, I really mean it. Seeing these King of the World, Gordon Gekko-type's heads on stakes? Sign me up.

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