Mistress Cynica points us to this bit of fucktardery from Kathleen Parker:
As Republicans sort out the reasons for their defeat, they likely will overlook or dismiss the gorilla in the pulpit.
Likely will? Oh please. They will continue to rearrange deck chairs.
Three little letters, great big problem: G-O-D.
I’m bathing in holy water as I type.
To be more specific, the evangelical, right-wing, oogedy-boogedy branch of the GOP is what ails the erstwhile conservative party and will continue to afflict and marginalize its constituents if reckoning doesn’t soon cometh.
Simply put: Armband religion is killing the Republican Party. And, the truth — as long as we’re setting ourselves free — is that if one were to eavesdrop on private conversations among the party intelligentsia, one would hear precisely that.
More whining after the jump.
But they need those votes!
So it has been for the Grand Old Party since the 1980s or so, as it has become increasingly beholden to an element that used to be relegated to wooden crates on street corners.
Short break as writer ties blindfold and smokes her last cigarette.
Which is to say, the GOP has surrendered its high ground to its lowest brows. In the process, the party has alienated its non-base constituents, including other people of faith (those who prefer a more private approach to worship), as well as secularists and conservative-leaning Democrats who otherwise might be tempted to cross the aisle.
Please - surrendered its high ground? If there ever was any high ground it was willingly ceded to the snake handlers. The so-called highbrow Republicans eagerly climbed aboard the HMS George W. Bush and set sail for the Middle East to fight a religious war alongside the fundies, whack jobs, and Dispensationalist morons.
Parker then lays out the demographic future of the GOP (it ain’t pretty) and concludes thusly:
The young will get older, of course. Most eventually will marry, and some will become their parents. But nonwhites won’t get whiter. And the nonreligious won’t get religion through external conversion. It doesn’t work that way.
Given those facts, the future of the GOP looks dim and dimmer if it stays the present course. Either the Republican Party needs a new base — or the nation may need a new party.
Or the nation might need to cut off the head, stuff the mouth with garlic, and put a stake through the heart of the Republican party. With luck, hatred and selfishness will disappear as planks in every party’s platform.
Are you kidding? This is comic gold!
Look at what it got Fudgie to post!
Posted by: actor212 | November 19, 2008 at 02:19 PM
Let's prey!!!
Posted by: mandt | November 19, 2008 at 02:46 PM
Shake that snake ya spitwads..
Posted by: mandt | November 19, 2008 at 03:49 PM
Отлично написано. Позитива конечно не хватает, но читала на одном дыхании
Posted by: Ideoloearnege | November 20, 2008 at 01:58 AM
Short break as writer ties blindfold and smokes her last cigarette.
Actually, seeing K-Pax like this might give me wood.
Posted by: actor212 | November 20, 2008 at 09:12 AM
But nonwhites won’t get whiter.
This fact terrifies Kathleen Parker right down to the withered, blackened granule that is her right-wing soul.
Posted by: electrolite | November 20, 2008 at 05:50 PM
Maybe she can arrange herself a seat on Chimpy's Paraguay flight. At least in the Chimpy compound, she won't have to deal with any of those noxious brown types, unless she digs putting the whip to the gardener or the maid.
Posted by: JollyRoger | November 20, 2008 at 09:54 PM
I just read the NRO piece....
Jesus God. These people make me crazy.
They just can't seem to deal with truth.
Posted by: Sister Faith | November 26, 2008 at 07:28 AM
I just read the NRO piece....
Jesus God. These people make me crazy.
They just can't seem to deal with truth.
Posted by: Sister Faith | November 26, 2008 at 07:28 AM