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November 16, 2008


Now what? The pea is under which shell?

It was about 3 in the morning. I listen to BBC as I sleep (I find the sound of british voices soothe me). I woke to hear Paulson explaining how he decided to use my money for whatever the hell he wanted. I was already really upset with this bailout, but the smugness and the callousness of his explaining that 'he has nothing to apologize for'. It made me rage against the Gods. I didn't get another wink of sleep that night and stayed in a rageful mood all day.

Just thought I'd share. I hate them, I hate them so much.


To quote Walter Sobchak..."Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?"

Огромное человеческое спасибочки !

(1) In fact, Treasury wants banks to acquire each other and is using its power to inject capital to force a new and wrenching round of bank consolidation.

Which is why it was so thoughtful (if not a tad quasi-illegal) of the Treasury Department to unilaterally arrange for whopping tax deductions to banks who acquire other banks.

(2) Might as well as cover the stored value cards under the bailout plan. Saves everybody the time and expense of class action lawsuits.

(3) Agi: Perfect Sobchak quote. Walter may have been impetuous and a bit verbose at times, but the guy was always thinking.

Which is why it was so thoughtful (if not a tad quasi-illegal) of the Treasury Department to unilaterally arrange for whopping tax deductions to banks who acquire other banks.

Actually, it's the Fed's job to do precisely this, by statute. This was created back in the Great Depression in order to stave off bank runs. Remember Bear Stearns?

While the power is good, it can, as seen here, be used for the wrong purposes. No one was running on WaMu (or any other bank, for that matter). It's not likely, had the Treasury stuck to the original intent of the bailout, anyone would have had to, and Morgan could have used its own money.

Actor212: I'm not sure if we're talking about the same tax breaks. I'm referring to this recent bit of tweaking.

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