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December 04, 2008


Note to Lt. Coleman: when being interviewed about a crime committed by a delusional jackass who said "God told me to do it," saying yourself that "God must have been with them" isn't really the best comment to make.

If there was a God, Texas would secede from the union and good riddance!

Perhaps Lt. Coleman might have checked Mr. Schwab for the first sign of the Lord's deliverance in those parts; the holy word of Jack Daniels. Jesus is known to speak through that particular "person" often in those parts of Texas.

You ask why this country is filled with dumbshits... perhaps it is because they think that as long as they are attacking people of faith, they can say any stupid shit that comes to mind with impunity.

The "average" person who disagrees with your political opinions must be a maniac with roadrage? Yeah, dumbshit indeed.

A "person of faith" was the one both doing the attacking AND being a dumbshit in this story, hon. With his car. What we're doing is called "commenting" and "using humour." I think you got confuzified.

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"You ask why this country is filled with dumbshits... perhaps it is because they think that as long as they are attacking people of faith, they can say any stupid shit that comes to mind with impunity."
That's apparently your approach to defending people of faith, so perhaps there's something in what you say.

"You ask why this country is filled with dumbshits... perhaps it is because they think that as long as they are attacking people of faith, they can say any stupid shit that comes to mind with impunity."
That's apparently your approach to defending people of faith, so perhaps there's something in what you say.

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