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February 19, 2009


It must be the isolation. As a kid of the sticks, I can assure you that every successive inbred generation of pigs, goats, etc. is weaker and dumber than the one that preceded it.

"fertilized egg has all the rights of any person." I can't remember if I've ever seen one shopping at the Mall with an over maxed credit card, but I'll be on alert. Maybe Octo-mom will move there and make omelets.

I'd be happier if women had the rights of any fertilized egg.

Y'all know that the white spot on that egg you're frying for breakfast indicates fertilization, right? Yes indeedy, you aren't eating eggs-you're eating CHICKENS!

Having lived in NoDak as a child for five years, I will say it is the one of the most backward places I have personally seen.

egg-zactly so

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