News that three-quarters of Loyal Bushies remain unemployed has given libtards everywhere a healthy and enjoyable dose of schadenfreude. Paul Krugman thinks this might be a sign that the days of wingnut welfare are over:
As an economist, I’m supposed to believe in incentives; and the remarkable cohesiveness of conservatives has a lot to do with incentives.
Show some independence, and you’ll face a lavishly financed primary challenge from the Club for Growth. Be a loyal soldier, and you will be taken care of — through what’s commonly referred to as “wingnut welfare.”
Remember when Scooter went to The Hudson Institute to be a “scholar”? - well, he was until he was convicted of multiple felonies and they disappeared him.
Thus, lose an election, and a think tank with the usual funding sources will create an America’s Enemies program for you to direct. Mess up the occupation of Iraq, and you’ll be appointed to run the World Bank; mess up there, and there’s still a chair waiting for you at AEI.
AEI - home of such bright lights as John Bolton, Lynne Cheney, and Fred Fucking Kagan - was largely responsible for wasting trillions of our dollars (and countless lives) in Iraq. It’s a veritable colostomy bag of wingnuts.
But it appears that wingnut welfare is breaking down when it comes to former Bush officials. Is this the beginning of the end for movement conservatism?
I doubt it. But we can hope, can’t we?
If there's any justice, feeble Jonah, who became famous because of his mommy and Linda Tripp, will end up walking grandmas at a nursing home, wearing a t-shirt that says "Ask me about cutting Medicare."
I'd buy tickets to see that shit.
Posted by: tata | February 24, 2009 at 10:47 AM
You needed to be out front and a staunch supporter of Bush in the paper, but stab him in the back and call him an inauthentic conservative, if you wanted to survive his Depression.
Posted by: actor212 | February 25, 2009 at 12:48 PM