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April 26, 2009


So, according to fundamentalists, Jesus, up in heaven, watching fornicators copulate, so he can ascertain whether to make them a baby or not,also installs a career performance chip in them so when they're born, they can follow a corporocratic path when they are finally born into the sin for which he died. Wouldn't that make a higher education a God-given right? If so, then why do so many conservatives fight against any educational funding at all?

Maybe Jesus can talk to Sallie Mae for me and tell the bitch that I CAN'T FUCKING AFFORD THE PAYMENTS!

Oh this is going to be so much fun...let the good times roll!

not only young women considering nude housekeeping, but all ye underachievers, thou hast pissed off THE LORD.

Maybe Jesus can talk to Sallie Mae for me and tell the bitch that I CAN'T FUCKING AFFORD THE PAYMENTS!

Clearly you've never heard of the Seven Times Seven Year Jubilee.

The last one was in 2000. You can wait until 2049 and then ask Jesus to walk you through a reorganization.

Interesting! Maybe I could do my bit for faith by trying nude housekeeping and scare the Be-Jesus outta folks.

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