These memos make it clear that Mr. Bybee is unfit for a job that requires legal judgment and a respect for the Constitution. Congress should impeach him.
The smiling Dad in this picture is the Honorable Jay S. Bybee.
He is a judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. He's a practicing
Mormon. He has taught constitutional and administrative law. He worked
at the Department of Justice until he was nominated for the Ninth
Circuit. A Bush appointee, he was confirmed in March of 2003.
Bybee’s confirmation process, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada), Sen. John
Ensign (R-Nevada), Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Sen. Larry Craig
(R-Idaho), and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) spoke publicly on his
behalf.At the William S. Boyd School of Law at the
University of Nevada at Las Vegas where Bybee was a founding member of
the faculty, Dean Richard Morgan called him a “nice, humble, and decent
human being, who was also a highly intelligent and accomplished lawyer
and teacher.”
There's only one problem. Judge Bybee is also a monster.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The protest organizers were
struggling to get the event together. They had originally planned to
unload a rented truck filled with a million tea bags into [Lafayette
Park], but were stopped by officials because they didn’t have a permit. A woman in charge of the protest announced that the right-wing Competitive Enterprise Institute
had generously agreed to display the tea bags at its headquarters a few
blocks away. She also said that there were originally supposed to be
two stages with events, but the metropolitan police had blocked them
from putting a stage on the sidewalk. A woman standing next to me
leaned over and said, “That’s big government for you!”
Hundreds of tea party protests are scheduled in cities and towns across the country for tax day (help us report on them!). But the curious don't need to wait till April 15 to get a sense of what these protests might be like.
Take note of all the grownups dressed as teabags (they're supposed to look like they're in stocks):
“Get ready for the anti-Tea Party sabotage and smear campaign” For the next 9 days, the left-wing blogosphere and left-wing clueless pundits will hammer away with their unreality-based Tea Party smears.
And on the ground, the tax-subsidized and Soros-subsidized troops are going to try and wreak havoc every way they can. Many readers and fellow bloggers have seen signs that ACORN may send in ringers and saboteurs to usurp the anti-tax, anti-reckless spending, anti-bailout message.
How does George Soros have time to make any money when he's so busy fucking with the teabaggers?
Another video making the rounds shows a patriot in Ohio saying he's told his accountant he's not paying taxes anymore:
A few on the right - including eliminationistCharles Johnson - are starting to realize that the Republican party is doomed. John Batchelor:
What about the Republican Party right now? Isn’t it on radio and TV claiming to be the party of fiscal responsibility and American power? Bypassing the stupidity of these claims, I am on radio, on what is called right-wing radio, and it is easy for me to see that my loudest colleagues, who compulsively repeat the cant of Conservatism for Dummies, are not sincere students of the Republican Party but rather barkers, hookers, establishmentarian jesters, cultists, and, in the worst instance, just thatch-headed whiners.
That's a pretty good description of promoters of the teabag douchbaggery.
The next week should be interesting. John Cole:
The best part about all the attention the tea parties will get the next couple of days is that it will all be on film. The usual suspects are already trying to do damage control, pretending that they will have been infiltrated by no-gooders (who else- Soros funded ACRON!), but that is pure nonsense, and the country is going to get a good look at some pure, undiluted, right-wing crazy.
Thanks to some sleuth work on the Internet, we're starting to learn more about Richard Poplawski, the 23-year-old who killed three police officers yesterday in Pittsburgh, evidently out of fear that his guns were going to be taken away.
It appears that what police may be looking at is a budding white supremacist who frequented one of the most popular neo-Nazi websites and harbored an apocalyptic dread of the federal government.
The next four years are going to be very interesting. For one thing, Poplawski was captured alive.
In her April 1 column, Ann Coulter fell for a fake April Fools’ Day article by Car and Driver magazine
that claimed that President Obama has ordered General Motors and
Chrysler to cease their participation in NASCAR because it is an
“unnecessary expenditure.” Coulter wrote, “If Obama can tell GM and
Chrysler that their participation in NASCAR is an ‘unnecessary
expenditure,’ isn’t having public schools force students to follow
Muslim rituals, recite Islamic prayers and plan ‘jihads’ also an
‘unnecessary expenditure’?”
Not quite sure where she’s headed with that, but you can head over to Human Events and read … oh wait, you can’t. I was wrong - the column has not been rewritten.
Never fear, our former Preznit is still servin’ up steamin’ heaps o’ that deeelicious freedom!
LONDON, March 30, 2009 – Ground Zero for the so-called
‘war on terror’ is a nation where gays and lesbians live in real terror
every day. Among the suffering of gay Iraqis is the regular threat (and
carrying out) of rape and murder. In July, CNN reported on the case of a young gay man abducted for ransom and raped daily for more than two weeks.
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