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June 15, 2009


"We were traveling in Canada recently, and you know what impresses the people up there most about Obama? He hasn't said one bad thing about Bush. He's just came in and got down to business."

bullllshit. total bullshit. I'm Canadian and have never once heard this mentioned by anyone. The whole cuddly "bipartisan" thing is a purely American trope that has no currency in Canada whatsoever. It's really striking, because this meme being attributed to "Canadians" is such an "only-in-America" concept, that I can't possibly imagine a single Canadian saying such a thing. Have you ever seen our parliament during question-period?

Bush was HATED in Canada, and many many people here want to see him and his cronies up on war crimes charges. To assert that Canadians are most impressed with Obama because he gave George Bush a pass on war crimes etc. is just totally bizarre. Which Canadians could he/she possibly be talking to? Imaginary ones?

i can't vouch for the veracity of the Canada anecdote. i'd guess the person spoke to a real Canadian or two and extrapolated their findings to the broader population.

i didn't press them on it, but i assumed they were referring to a lack of general political badmouthing, rather than the absence of war crimes investigations. cognitive dissonance, what have you.

Obama won't pursue war crimes investigations of the last president, because he doesn't want the next president looking into his war crimes (already in progress.)

Whenever a still believin' democrat burbles "He has to do this. he has to do that, I just use the acronym WIBDI
What If Bush did It?

I'm now accused of being "racist" and "obsessive" 'cause I don't "believe".

Proggels are true believers. Just as Bush lovers would have followed their Dear Leader off a cliff, Obama infatuated proggels will do whatever their savior commands.

He just drones on, puts me to sleep. Permanently. Thank you, thank you.

Just imagine how ruined dinner would be if a remote-control killing machine loosed a missile on it.


please don't take the sardonic nature of my endorsement of your series the wrong way. the snarky approach to pointing out imperial death and destruction may be trite, but it's all i got.

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