The inevitability of this was evident back during the election. We weren't going to have George Bush to kick around anymore. In today's world, what's an anti-imperialist, economic disestablishmentarian supposed to say to his friends and extended family of liberal Democrats?
Liberal Democrats who like to talk politics at family functions. [Italics are me.]
"We were traveling in Canada recently, and you know what impresses the people up there most about Obama? He hasn't said one bad thing about Bush. He's just came in and got down to business."
"I didn't think Obama was going to win. I thought a bunch of racists were going to come out and vote against him."
Many yeah's, and much head nodding around the table as consensus is reached.
"Of course he was going to win. The Rethuglicans weren't even trying. McCain and Palin?! Come on!"
More yeah's, and head nodding, and a few chuckles.
"Waht it was, is the Republicans didn't want to be stuck holding the bag on the economy."
"You know what I like about Obama? That you don't have to hold your breath every time he strings together more than four sentences."
"Yeah, Bush was awful! I cringed every time he opened his mouth!"
"Wait. Seriously?"
What I had planned on asking, before the above conversation broke my will to utter the words, (guess I'm not so hardcore after all,) was this:
"What do you make of all the unmanned drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan killing civilians and militants at a rate of 50 to 1?"
To tie it in with a favorite progressive trope of the Bush years that I hadn't been able to disabuse one particular cousin of, I thought I might add, (again, turns out I'm not hardcore at all!)
"Think we would be doing that
if Gore was president?"
[I follow
Maine Owl's incessant drone coverage. Why are you trying to ruin my family dinners, The Owl? Well it didn't work this time, you scoundrel!]
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