Concensus seems coagulating that Obama's .06% less shittiness than McCain vis a vis the crisis in Iran has saved us all from nuclear annihilation, which is just as stoopid a meme as right-wingers saying pwoggles wanna pweemptively suwwender and embwace shawia law (though, nuclear annihilation is .06% more likely, my faith teaches me).
Reminder: I love me some empire - I am invested, complicit, and rooting for my continued comfortable life. I'll do what I can that the lives of brown people on the other side of the world are .06% less shitty, I'll vote for whores who are .06% less likely to take pride in bombing civilians, who will order the military to adjust their tables of engagement so .06% fewer civilians die, but a man can only do so much and continue to disc golf on weekends.
.06% less shitty! Buy into your complicity whole-heartedly, skip the Adjustable Rube Mortgage, and then address your less-shittiness.
More here.
Ridiculous. I've got hope for truly hopeful change. Why can't we aim for 0.07% less shittiness? Yes we can! Believe in hope! I've got some pocket change, enough for half a beer.
Posted by: Randal Graves | June 17, 2009 at 08:28 AM
Progress we can measure with a micrometer.
Posted by: The CultureGhost | June 18, 2009 at 07:05 AM
Progress we can measure with a teaspoon.
Posted by: Agi | June 18, 2009 at 08:28 AM
Aaaaaaaaaaarrrggghhhhhhh! He said teaspoons! AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH!
Posted by: The CultureGhost | June 18, 2009 at 10:22 AM