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July 28, 2009


Budweiser is the kind of beer you claim to drink when you have to come up with something to throw people off the trail of your secret Islam-ism.

as far as i'm concerned Belgium has established beer superiority over the rest of the world and is the last true superpower.

Isn't Bud technically a Belgian beer now?

And may I add that I am sick to death of Gatesgate.

Montag: If you ever visit the left coast, there are some amazing breweries in Northern and Southern California that will give the Belgians a run for their money.

blogenfreude: Yep, that means the president is actually drinking a - gasp - foreign beer!

Bud is a very astute political choice to stop the wingnuts complaining about you being stuck up.

Additionally, it is the sort of beer you can drink without having to worry about going back to work afterwards as it has the strength of Gnat's effluent.

Lastly, You wont hear John McCain complaining about it, so there is another classic, Obama , across-the-aisle move.

Honestly. Being president does not require good taste. Look at anything W chose, or Barbara Bush or even Monica Lewinsky ! Good taste is not part of the job description.

Hussein is only telling us There Will Be Bud. I bet it's green tea, the gay pinko Muslim.

Barack was drinking Bud during the campaign, too, but i voted for him anyway.

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