It's unfair to cast every astroturfer as a mere pawn of the insurance industry. There are legitimate concerns over a government-run health care program. However, the cream ("Obama wants to kill Trig Palin!"..."Nancy Pelosi will euthanize my grandma instead of treating her gout!") rises to the top. There's so much god damn noise in this debate that I've tuned it all out.
Republicans and their corporate enablers know well how to churn up the fury in a crowd. But little does the crowd know that the program we will end up with will not be universal, nor single payer, nor even contain a public option. We'll get some Democratic corporate enabler-approved shit packaged in a shiny Obama logo embossed box with a grinning Reid and Pelosi standing by while Chairman Mao gives his Herbie John Hancock to the bill. They will declare Mission Accomplished and then move along. These are Democrats, remember?
Robert Kelly, a commenter at Crispin's place, captures my mood:
I wonder what Tim Kaine tastes like. Probably chicken.
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