The eavesdropping accusations against Bu$hCo are piling up fast. First, we learned of the Terrorist Surveillance Program™ - al Qaeda only, if you believe the Dear Leaker, who says he's not trolling for anything except perch. But not so fast - it turns out the NSA's been getting calling information from every company but Qwest - this is on everybody (you included), not just those pesky terrorists. The first lawsuit has been filed (against Verizon), and the Telcos could wind up paying billions in damages for illegally releasing our phone records. The Electronic Frontier Foundation earlier filed a suit against AT&T for helping with the first-round domestic spying, but of course Bu$hCo is trying to intervene and get the case dismissed.
Now, we find out they've even been spying on us from satellites, and a whistleblower has said that what's now known about Bu$hCo's domestic spying is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Another big non-surprise: in the weeks after 9/11, Darth Cheney said we should intercept purely domestic telephone calls and e-mails without warrants. Meanwhile, the Choicepoints of the world keep selling info to the government that it can't legally collect on its own (although that doesn't seem to have stopped Bu$hCo), including info about your DNA.
What to make of all this? One poll says Americans support the latest spying, a better-worded one says not. Completely unreasonable person Newt "The Disgraced" Gingrich, though he said that the newly-revealed program could not be defended by "reasonable people," also refused to defend the program. Some Rethugs are pissed off, some could care less, and Specter has vowed to hold more hearings (but not necessarily to hold anyone responsible). Even Instapoundit concludes that, just maybe, his beloved President spied on him. Little Michelle, on the other hand, visited a spy museum and concluded the NSA wasn't doing anything wrong. The LGFers took a break from calling for the deaths of lots of Muslims to whine about how traitors were leaking NSA secrets and ruining the agency's ability to illegally spy on us - other wingnuts said the whistleblowers were trying to ruin the stock market. Dems demanded an investigation of the NSA spying that, of course, they have no power to get.
Whew! Do you suppose the politicians will band together to get rid of Bu$hCo now?
read more: bush at&t cheney impeach bush verizon qwest al qaeda electronic frontier foundation choicepoint gingrich specter instapundit michelle malkin nsa lgf little green footballs warrantless wiretapping domestic spying
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