[via Raw Story] - David Addington Set to Replace Scooter.
Rove told he won't be indicted today. Best to keep an eye on Fitzgerald's website.
JUST ANNOUNCED [12:55 p.m. EST]: 5 counts again Scooter: perjury (2), obstruction of justice(1), and making false statements(2). Indictment here.
RAW STORY has more: Those close to the investigation say inquiry expanding...
State Dep't and National Security Council figures probed...
Rove may be in hotter water: Sources say he was offered
a perjury deal but turned it down.... At least three officials
in the case have agreed to provide additional information, setting the stage for an explosive, continuing probe...
Lawyer for Wilson plans 3 p.m ET press conference...
Wonkette: Scooter Submits Resignation.
And Ayn Coulter has admitted that there might just be a problem here!
Grumpy Old Man adds the following about Libby's replacement: David Addington, expected to replace Libby, was a principal author of the White House memo justifying the torture of terrorism suspects. He also strongly endorsed holding suspects without access to the legal system, a measure rebuked by the Supreme Court.
tags: plamegate scooter death watch impeach bush scooter libby
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