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June 13, 2006


Preznit give me turkee!

All hail the Preznit! A plastic turky in every pot! A pot to piss in for the troops! A country gone to pot!

Why isn't Laura Ingraham all up in Bush's face about him hanging out on a hotel balcony?

Can't we dangle her from a balcony like Michael Jackson's beloved babies?

Can't wait for all the photos vis-a-vis Yuma. What a fucking twit.

Ahhh the old plastic turkey routine. An oldie and a goodie!

He took time to talk to the troops and say the same old shit about fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here. He also replayed the one about Iraq being the central front of the war on terror and assorted other bullshit comments. He really did look like a twit as he stood there in his very secure location grinning like an idiot.

Tony Blair went there weeks ago, so what's the big deal of bush going now? It's all PR stuff, as always.

Ahhh the old plastic turkey routine. An oldie and a goodie!

Available from Acme Novelties, right next to the plastic vomit and the plastic dogshit.

And just behind the plastic Preznit.

Look how safe I am! Look how safe I am!


Hey, all you folks who put down plastic turkey: IT HAS NO CALORIES. Ya can't gain weight if you're served plastic turkey. It has no cholesteral, so it's good for the ol' ticker. Ya'll are missing the health benefits of this.

Fair and balanced, DivaJood, fair and balanced.

It was nothing more than a PR stunt staged for the idiots at home. He visited with the Iraqi PM-- who didn't know the dumb son-of-a-bitch was coming until minutes before their meeting.

It's a direct sign of how much this Iraqi government is trusted when they couldn't even tell the Prime Minister of Georgie's visit?

Too funny. Too sad. Too good.

And really, how many puppet regimes has this been now?

"When they are able to stand up, we'll stand down".

Or something like that...

Look behind the curtain.

Last night before retiring, I read what Rove said about Democrats in a speech at a New Hampshire fundraising dinner earlier in the evening, and wrote this. But it failed to quiet my fury, which spurred this revelation. I couldn't sleep until I wrote it all down.

Then I really couldn't sleep.

Imagine my surprise (shock) when I heard the news today. All that was left to write was this.

Prescient, maybe. It's happened before, but I think it comes more from my cynical distrust of people. Republican people.

I saw this coming about a month ago.

Unlike many in the left blogosphere, I've never been enamored of Pat Fitzgerald. And in this time where we can't even get Democrats to act like menches and represent the people's interests, I certainly don't expect it from a Republican prosecutor in Al Gonzalez' DOJ.

Lillian Hellman, in bed with Dashiell Hammett: "Dash, do I keep you from writing?" Hammett replies: "Sleeping, Lilly. You keep me from sleeping."

I guess I'll sleep come the revolution.

It's a direct sign of how much this Iraqi government is trusted when they couldn't even tell the Prime Minister of Georgie's visit?

Well, to be fair, the prime minister is an Iraqi, and Iraqis are terrorists.

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